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  1. waffles

    What Do You Plan To Add/mod Onto Your Pandora (hardware)?

    clear tape, so i can write/doodle on it.
  2. waffles

    Alright, Anyone Won These?

    Nope, even though i wish i was. Probably a good thing i didnt hear about them, as my wallet would have gotten so light the LHC wouldn't be necessary.
  3. waffles

    What Should I Do?

  4. waffles

    The ^ Game

    < just lost the game.
  5. waffles

    Ds Homebrew Games

    Paint! is definitely worth a download.
  6. waffles

    If You Could Change Your Name

    John Freeman (from half life- full life consequences)
  7. waffles

    Wasd + Usb Mouse For Fps - How Small Are The Keys?

    Doesn't Metroid Hunters have left-handed control scheme as well as right-handed one (for stylus and keys mode)? I think so, I also remember mech warrior having one too.
  8. waffles

    Oooookkkkkaayyy, Maybe I Left It A Little Too Long.

    wiz = small, good screen for outdoors, about 1/2 the price of pandroa. pandora - wifi, firefox, doom III, n64 emulation, drool, win, giant screen, and one huge price tag. Personally i think a gameboy micro and pandora would be the ultimate setup.
  9. waffles

    Modding Lightguns?

    Can the guncom be used on a pc via the usb connection?
  10. waffles

    Amaricas Entering A Possable Second Depression.

    lol fox news. I remember how they did a story about DSes being pedo tools (ie pedo finds a kid with a ds, drives near them, and pictochats them for personal info) and the mass effect story. Ah well, at least they encourage people to get dogs and curtains.
  11. waffles

    U. S. 2008 Election Thread

    Ok, you bring the cheez-its and rifle, ill get the HEV suit. Ah well, at least there's always Canada, Americas hat.
  12. waffles

    The Gigantic Pc Build Thread

    My bad, meant to add a "also" there too. And i think there is a super high setting, my current computer can run it around that decently (tried the demo).
  13. waffles

    U. S. 2008 Election Thread

    Obama, because his VP is not palin. I mean, really? Also, palin looks like Laura Roslin from battlestar galatica. creeeepy.
  14. waffles

    The Gigantic Pc Build Thread

    Im hoping to build something capable of playing a decent amount of games (crysis on high at a decent fps) for around 850, hopefully less. Im probably going to use it for general computer stuff (video converting, music playing, etc.) If i can get comparable performance for less, i would probably...
  15. waffles

    Amaricas Entering A Possable Second Depression.

    Remember the pinkertons? America doesnt really seem in that bad of a situation currently by comparison. If you have no idea what im talking about, they were basically a PMC that "At its height, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency employed more agents than there were members of the standing...
  16. waffles

    The Gigantic Pc Build Thread

    That makes sense, a 4 280s would fly for h.264 encoding. My current rig is a 2.13 c2d, 2gb of ram, a x1950 pro, and a microATX motherboard (accidentally fried my old one) and 250gb of harddrive space. Im planning on selling it within a couple weeks to a family member, so could anyone recommend...
  17. waffles

    The Gaming Public's First Reactions To The Pandora

    A few people i know are interested in it, and will probably be much more so if they see me with it, especially if a n64 emulator gets working.
  18. waffles

    Buying Decisions: Iphone Vs Pandora

    buy the Erickson 580i and the pandora.