Search results

  1. ryosaeba

    Cross Compile Libxml++

    No. As I stated above, the file exists, for some reason the compilation script thinks it doesn't... Here the proof: $> /usr/local/gp2xdev/lib/gcc/gp2x/4.0.2/../../../../gp2x/bin/ld -v GNU ld version 2.16.1 Edit Now that I look better at the message, it's not saying that ld doesn't exist...
  2. ryosaeba

    Cross Compile Libxml++

    Exactly. I need static the most (gcc 4.x), I tried configuring only for static/shared but I get the same error. I then tried editing the gcc command that produces the error to find the problem and I located it in "-Wl,--whole-archive", removing this flag solves the error. So I edited the...
  3. ryosaeba

    Cross Compile Libxml++

    Hi, my gp2x is back to me and I'm working on something new, but I'm stuck trying to cross compile libxml++ for the gp2x. I already cross compiled other libraries without too much problems but I can't solve this. libxml++ is a c++ wrapper around the libxml2 library (which is already present in...
  4. ryosaeba

    Nicky Boum Engine

    I compiled it on my linux laptop and it worked. I then modified the sourcecode a little for the gp2x and compiled it. I don't think it works at the moment but as soon as my gp2x returns I should be able to finish a first version of the port. Cheers.
  5. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    After some work (I rewrote totally the SFont library) I managed to add support for utf8 characters. Here's the characters I added to font.png: ÀÈÌÒÚÄËÏÖÜßàèéìòùäëïöü Do you think there's some other character that might be needed? Thanks to sbock for his donation :)
  6. ryosaeba

    Ws2x Beta 01 Released (wonderswan Emulator)

    There must be something diabolic behind this. I waited for this release for almost 3 months and it comes right when my gp2x is away...
  7. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    I noticed it and then I forgot to fix it. Thanks for the contribution.
  8. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    Cool, I have to add some special characters to the font now :)
  9. ryosaeba

    Gp2x Value Pack Launched!

    Nope, it seems I don't have the right tools. I could have soldered anything with little problems (maybe big but who knows) but I really can't desolder the stick. Anyway, ED is going to do it for me so I should be a dpad user soon (w00t!) Thanks, I really don't care too much about the interface...
  10. ryosaeba

    Dlink Cease And Desist Order Over Gpl Use

    I followed this story. I really couldn't stand their attitude... WTF, why shouldn't GPL be legally binding.
  11. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    I've almost finished the translations support for next release, so if there is anyone there willing to contribute translations in languages other than italian, please do it ASAP so that I will add it in next release. This is the actual strings list for italian translation. This list should grow...
  12. ryosaeba

    Gp2x Value Pack Launched!

    The stick isn't that bad with some type of games, but with other games it's useless. I have to thank DaveC for his kit, really. Anyway, I'm curious about the firmware additions that Craigx and ED plan to add...
  13. ryosaeba

    Can Someone Post A Sample Squidgesnes Gmenu2x Config File?

    Here's mine: title=SNES description=SquidgeSnes icon=icons/snes.png exec=/mnt/sd/snes/squidgesnes.gpe params=nrtm load=[selFullPath] clock=240 selectordir=/mnt/sd/roms/snes/ selectorscreens=/mnt/sd/screens/snes wrapper=true
  14. ryosaeba

    Usb No Scandisk

    And stop posting all in bold, your posts are not more important than others..
  15. ryosaeba

    Starting Roms From Within Gmenu2x

    There's no limit. Maybe the emulator as limits in parsing command line arguments...
  16. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    There's no need to write it in SDL, I could do a little QT app to do that, It would be cross-platform and I could devel it in very littel time.
  17. ryosaeba

    Starting Roms From Within Gmenu2x

    No need for shell scripts, but you still need command line support in your emulators, and if they don't come sith such a support, then there's nothing you can do... Adjusting the link TelcoLou suggested here's what you are searching for: title=Sonic description=Sonic with PicoDrive...
  18. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x And V2.1.1 Firmware

    Did you launch the gpu included with the firmware files? The firmware upgrade process could not be complete without that. Also, it's normal that the firmware files are still there after an upgrade.
  19. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x And V2.1.1 Firmware

    Maybe the firmware upgrade did reset the autorun option in the default interface settings.
  20. ryosaeba

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    I'm taking into consideration the possibility of switching to sqlite for holding sections and links, that would have a lot of nice points. 1. It would be pretty easy to add sections and links rearrangement (just a query with a ORDER BY on an 'order' field and that's it!) 2. Some really...