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  1. Z

    Kof 91 V1.4 Beta

    I'm trying to tighten up the hit boxes to help him out. However, this has to be done on a character by character basis so it's going slow. There's ways to cheat the engine to make combos and charge command (like Guile) attacks.
  2. Z

    Gamepark Official News!!

    Seems like GamePark is trying to get the ball rolling now. For some reason though, I don't think it is actually going to be Bloddy Cross and Blue Angelo at launch but I don't know.
  3. Z

    Vns Stories

    Hopefully you could help. I seriously doubt I'd be able to find what I need on the net and I'd want my stuff to be original anyways. It is a nutty romantic comedy adventure with an arabic setting. I'd want to use a majority of VNS functions including using a fight system similar to to the one...
  4. Z

    Vns Stories

    No problem with that. I've plotted out a branching novel but can't do a thing since I can't draw. Sucks to be me...
  5. Z

    Kof91 Backgrounds For Download Here

    Sadly, it still doesn't. Maybe you could try ripping a background from a game that has a foreground. That is something we need to test the compatibility of. BTW, will you be ripping any character sprites? I plan on tightening up on the controls for the currently existing characters.
  6. Z

    Geepee32 And Bloody Cross

    Can you actually get the demo for Bloody Cross to work on the GeePee32 emulator? If not, was there ever a PC version of the demo?
  7. Z

    Advance War 32 Beta 1

    I think changing the name and graphics would be a good idea. GP32 may be under the radar but to be honest, advertising the homebrews is a good idea for the european launch. Ripped graphics and a copyrighted/trademarked name could get it in trouble.
  8. Z

    Gp32 Official News!! New Info!!

    Well, it comes with a 64MB SMC (approx 23.44 EUR on its own) and all GP32s come with the USB cable. What they NEED to do is properly market the thing. Known stuff like Blue Angelo and Bloody Cross are coming and the homebrew could be good.
  9. Z

    Game Maker... More

    It was just a theory, I didn't actually plan on doing it, though it might not be bad to try doing a game on an isometric plane. At the same time I wonder, how much lag would it suffer if you attempted a Mega Man/Metal Slug clone with outrageously huge enemies? The playable characters alone...
  10. Z

    Game Maker... More

    In theory, you could make a Double Dragon/Final Fight/Streets of Rage game with this, correct?
  11. Z

    Gigas Engine

    Good luck on the engine. I'll certainly fiddle around with it in thee future.
  12. Z

    Some New Good News From Spain!!

    Wait a sec, they're actually releasing Dyhard? Wasn't that the game that sold the LEAST copies on the system?
  13. Z

    GP32 Industry Experienced Artist Available

    Is this free or for a cost? If for a cost, how much?
  14. Z

    Kof 91

    It takes a bit to get used to the timing. Some have the N (neutral command) which forces you to put the stick back in the center instead of doing a smooth motion.
  15. Z

    Is Competition Time Approaching Again?

    Really? Sorry to sound like a prick but have you ever tried to do a FULL game?
  16. Z

    Is Competition Time Approaching Again?

    What's the best way to make sure emulation stays OUT of the competition? DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL FOR A CHANGE!
  17. Z

    What Kind Of Visual Novel(VNS) Do You Want?

    The thing kept giving me problems. Personally, I'd rather code it by hand. I know I'm not in the majority in that...
  18. Z

    Smash Brothers "styled" Game (not A Clone)

    Curious--can you do any graphics?
  19. Z

    What Kind Of Visual Novel(VNS) Do You Want?

    I'm curious--Are you doing all of your own graphics? I ask because that is the ONLY thing preventing me from making one and I was wondering if we could possibly partner up. I have some programming experience and I have been dabbling some with the code using the graphics in the demos.
  20. Z

    What Kind Of Visual Novel(VNS) Do You Want?

    I said detective since that would be pretty cool and I don't have the artistic skills to work on my own.