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  1. absolofdoom

    Anyone Got A Ps3?

    I agree that they can be extremely useful; I'm just saying that what's in the fine print can't be something that goes against a law or something like that because then it's useless. But if there's nothing technically wrong with what they did and they used the right special sauce in the...
  2. absolofdoom

    Devil 64 Newest News

  3. absolofdoom

    Anyone Got A Ps3?

    Well, two things: -Those provisions and stuff aren't really much use in court if they do something douchey enough (ie, I add a provision saying I can have your first born, I still can't kidnap him/her legally). Eula's and the like are still a really gray area, legally. -It's not about whether...
  4. absolofdoom

    Love The Pandora, But Mines On Ebay

    I'm really wishing I'd bought two of them right now.
  5. absolofdoom

    Anyone Got A Ps3?

    Hell yes! 300 dollars is no small chunk of change! Thank god a big company FINALLY got what they deserved for screwing over their customers. EDIT: Some people are saying it's fake, idk what to believe. Guess we'll find out soon.
  6. absolofdoom

    Got My Email!

    Oh well. I'll just ride it out and see what happens.
  7. absolofdoom

    Got My Email!

    I was told I'm 700-800 (nice accuracy, there...), and at this point, I'm just worried whether I'll actually get one of the first 1000. Which seems like a silly worry, since 800<1000, but weird shit is going on here.
  8. absolofdoom

    Pandora Owners: Any Other Hardware Issues?

    Oh, okay, that's a lot simpler than I was expecting actually. I thought I remembered someone saying that it would require some sort of hardware shenanigans to overvolt. Thanks for the answer. :)
  9. absolofdoom

    Caanoo - The New Gph Console?

    I think a lot of people are just relieved that they won't have to buy GPH stuff anymore for their emulation fix. GPH, regardless of how you argue it, do not understand what the community wants, and consistently release flawed consoles that the community has to fix (if they can be fixed...
  10. absolofdoom

    Pandora Owners: Any Other Hardware Issues?

    How would one go about upping the voltage? Voiding the warranty, I suppose, but I might do it anyway. [Insert obligatory request for numerical representation of the order I made below]
  11. absolofdoom

    Red Dead Redemption

    Gah...I never know the date, sorry for necroposting. nvm this.
  12. absolofdoom

    [SOLVED] Help With Wifi

    Personally I would try going into the router settings and changing the dns servers on the router itself to the opendns ones.
  13. absolofdoom

    Screen Protectors Count Too!

    And since 5 year old boys don't have credit cards...they've got a good racket going.
  14. absolofdoom

    Southpark 201 Censored? Wtf?!

    He does this a lot. I think he went a little overboard to the point that it was just beating a dead horse, but yeah, that was definitely sarcasm. This is how you know: "Even though we basically believe the same thing those guys..." No one serious would say that.
  15. absolofdoom

    Keep Track Of The Latest Pandora Development!

    Hahaha, that's pretty great. Took me a minute to find it; doubt anyone will ever find that without actually knowing it's there.
  16. absolofdoom

    Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

    Here's my findings, tested on an iPhone. My n810's dead, so I'll test with it when I get to charge it. -You mentioned that it's designed for Pandora/iPhone res, so I'll say this: there's a black stripe on the right side when using safari; in other words it's not wide enough. -If you click on...
  17. absolofdoom

    Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

    I'd like to help. I can test it on my n810 and iPhone too, to see what it's like on a limited device, if that'd be useful. GMT-6, btw, and time zones confuse me, so I don't know when your "night" is.
  18. absolofdoom

    Wait What?

    UPS never bothers to get a signature for me, though I've never had them do something crazy like chuck a parcel over the back fence. USPS just drives by and leaves a "we missed you" note in the mailbox and I have to go pick it up the next day at the post office-they've never once even *tried* to...
  19. absolofdoom

    New Blog Post!

    Thanks to MWeston for the post that has made me feel much better (though I'd still like to know if they'll be painted or not). Seriously appreciated. Now...I am getting tired of the "go get an iPhone" type excuses. I HAVE a goddamned iPhone, PSP, DS, and anything else you can name in a...