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  1. S

    Wireless 3g Card

    AFAIK connections are made using wvdial, which has been built successfully on ARM. Should be easy enough to create a PXML package for it.
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    Pandora - The Music Player

    That'd be pretty awesome. Actually a better idea would be to fork Audacious and just add a fullscreen feature and a new theme; it's a great music player. Even better, however, would be a fullscreen interface for mplayer, that way we could have a movie mode.
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    Wireless 3g Card

    If your phone supports tethering, then yes you can probably use your data plan for Internet access. But your phone company might be pissed. I'm fairly sure you couldn't do the opposite and use your Pandora as a phone, but I dunno.
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    Pandora - The Music Player

    I've used VLC, XMMS, Audacious, mplayer, etc, but none of them have a fullscreen interface like the one you describe. I'm sure one could be made, but just in case you were unaware: the ProteinDS author has expressed his interest.
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    Flame war GO. As someone who offered (somewhat?) helpful responses without focusing on Gilrad's attitude, I suppose I can offer input from "outside" so to speak: Gilrad was being an ass. He did say Angstrom was useless to him, but his tone was very strong at a time that it didn't need to be -...
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    At the very least, there are no OpenOffice dependencies when installing scim packages in Ubuntu. I doubt it'll be a big deal.
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    Best Solar Charger For Pandora

    Oh damn, danboid. Paranoia aside, I highly doubt playing my Pandora will be a priority when the world goes to hell. I keep forgetting, my canned bacon storage is low. To the Internets!
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    Niche software can easily be compiled from source, especially if there's an ARM Ubuntu package out there. In most cases this just means compiling under the right build environment...not that big a deal. Some more complicated software will require a bit more tweaking. But of course, in the...
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    Gtk/qt Themes

    At least in GTK's case, a simple adjustment of .gtkrc is capable of instructing the theme engine which theme to use. So I'm sure there'll be an easy way of adjusting this, or if not, one will be added fairly soon after launch.
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    Apt Repositories For Pandora

    Me personally, I plan to use the Pandora as a game system that's capable of far more, rather than the other way around. So I don't mind if it doesn't have a package manager. And this UnionFS stuff is just sounding far too complicated for what we need in a game system.
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    Pandora can handle N64 emulation

    Doom 3 would only run if source code was released and an ARM engine was developed. So hoping the lighting is decent at this point is a little premature :P
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    Official Promotion And/or Boot Animation/Jingle Thread.

    AH. I'm 300 miles inland, but there's an OCEAN LINER outside MY APARTMENT. May need a volume decrease o.o
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    Pandora can handle N64 emulation

    By the way, why would porting Mupen64 be insufficient? As a huge fan of the Pandora who also codes for a living, I get jitters thinking about working on a project like this. If only I had the time to start on it.
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    Apt Repositories For Pandora

    Now that's a possibility - an unofficial package manager designed to work with more than one removable disk (including USB hard drives/flash drives). If it had functionality for moving software between devices and automagically moving libraries, it'd probably work out okay. At the same time...
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    Apt Repositories For Pandora

    It's an interesting suggestion, but what happens if you want to move Game B onto Game A's SD card? Then you have to go in and manually copy the libraries from Game B's original SD card to the other one. Not to mention the now-broken package manager database.
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    Apt Repositories For Pandora

    I think a lot of you are missing the point of the Pandora. I've been using Linux for years, and I've played with RPMs, Yellowdog Update Manager, Gentoo ebuilds and apt - I know my stuff. Problem is, the Pandora is not a desktop computer. The way the archive system will work, if you want to...
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    Open Kaillera - Net Play On Pandora? * 2008 Thread *

    Alright, guys, this will never happen. Kaillera is a dead, closed-source project. We'd need an ARM Linux port of the SDK to ever get it on Pandora, and that simply will not happen in the foreseeable future.
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    Bob''s Game

    You have real names?!
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    Number Of Bluetooth Devices Supported?

    Couldn't find anything using the search feature so I thought I'd ask: how many Bluetooth devices are supported at once? I'd like to use two Wii controllers, a keyboard, and a mouse if at all possible. Soo...four devices too much?
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    A Question of Legality...

    Technically speaking, copying any copyrighted work without permission is illegal. You usually have permission to install games on one PC and copying for backup purposes, for example, but ripping a PSX game, or downloading it even if you own a hard copy, or copying content files from Quake are...