Search results

  1. maplesugarlover

    looking for partners to finish my Tablet

    I hope Craig doesn't get scammed before I get my Pandora : )
  2. maplesugarlover

    Kurok Turn Pnd

    Already on the wikiPort Requests
  3. maplesugarlover

    Port Requests

    from the wiki :You must provide a link to the source code. If you cannot do this, please do not add a request
  4. maplesugarlover

    So exited!

    I was confused as I thought Prometheus was a male titan , who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals.] Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back...
  5. maplesugarlover

    Classic videogamers

    Since mame is source available, there are handheld ports that run faster on systems like the pandora
  6. maplesugarlover

    Classic videogamers

    open source is better because it gives the user freedom. Even if you don't use it (You might not code but you benefit from all of the open source software on the Pandora). Also open source software can be forked if the project dies or you disagree with the developer(Red eclipse was created...
  7. maplesugarlover

    Classic videogamers

    Does retro copy cost money? I have headaches from watching his stupid blurry interlaced filters.
  8. maplesugarlover

    Classic videogamers

    If it's closed software, why did you post it on these boards?Mednafen ,mame and mess are open source.(Mednafen is gpl and mess+Mame are bsd with a non commercial clause)
  9. maplesugarlover

    Classic videogamers

    Looking at there website, it looks like this is proprietary and only for windows.
  10. maplesugarlover

    One video per day - Discussions

    What about people that live in North America? Really, there are only 3 cities from 1 continent :angry:
  11. maplesugarlover

    Skulltag linux version

    Great:angry: Now all the links need to be checked to see if there valid or not.
  12. maplesugarlover

    Skulltag linux version

    It's already on the wiki port requests page<_<
  13. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Tuxguitar

    Already on port requests
  14. maplesugarlover

    Beta Pnds Of Nand Applications (Was Pidgin)

    Sorry to bother you anymore but, are mousepad and vim staying on the nand? Also wasn't the pandora section of the filearchive supposed to merge with apps.openpandora by now? Lastly ,are you going to remove the demos from the firmware?
  15. maplesugarlover

    Beta Pnds Of Nand Applications (Was Pidgin)

    Is evildragon going to remove xchat,rissetto,arora,midori,evince,mplayer and orage also?
  16. maplesugarlover

    Release GnuBoy released

    Want to port more software?
  17. maplesugarlover

    We, the RedBarons

    I am the Fulvous redbaron mclovin, you should make a list of colors taken already.
  18. maplesugarlover

    Port requests

    You can always undo the changes Also I'm going to stop editing the wiki. So anyone can undo my changes and I won't do a thing. There is a project I want to work on : )