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  1. maplesugarlover

    Pandora 2 wish list - Ultimate Pandora

    You do relized that 1280 by 768 is the same aspect ratio as the current pandora
  2. maplesugarlover

    Carrying case?

    Here is a picture of a pandora next to a ds lite
  3. maplesugarlover

    Carrying case?

    The dsi xl is wider and thinner than the pandora
  4. maplesugarlover

    50hz on the Pandora?

    I can't wait till there are 600hz monitors. Then ntsc(30),pal(25) and cinema(24) will all work. of course people are testing 72 frame/s and that doesn't fit into 600 evenly <_<
  5. maplesugarlover

    Wiki: Will X Run on the Pandora?

    Ok, that makes sense
  6. maplesugarlover

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 2

    "oh boy, didnt expect the sgx update, a quick test with quake 1 looks good (no crashes yet...) testing some other stuff soon. hurrah" Pickle
  7. maplesugarlover

    Wiki: Will X Run on the Pandora?

    So then what's the problem with what Blue Protoman did ?
  8. maplesugarlover

    Wiki: Will X Run on the Pandora?

    You do realize we have lists of stuff that is ported Software projects Games Emulator list
  9. maplesugarlover

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 2

    Well at least pickle can get quake 1 running
  10. maplesugarlover

    The best web browser?

    Iron is a scam
  11. maplesugarlover

    The best web browser?

    I guess your right about midori <_<
  12. maplesugarlover

    The best web browser?

    This thread is just about the default browser
  13. maplesugarlover

    Shipping time to Sweden?

    Wow, I just realized sweden has a king :lol:
  14. maplesugarlover

    Light guns in emulators?

    Toughen up, there are people that have been waiting longer than you, and they don't spend their time making pointless threads
  15. maplesugarlover

    My Open Pandora On Ebay

    You just ruined the joke <_<
  16. maplesugarlover

    Wiki: Will X Run on the Pandora?

    I don't want to discourage you but for the most part the wiki is do it yourself. If you care about a page you should maintain it your self. I'm not saying you won't get some contributions but certain pages are mostly maintained by certain people. Esn seems to maintain the software projects...
  17. maplesugarlover

    Wrapping Wiz games in Ginge?

    mac os x is unix based
  18. maplesugarlover

    Open Pandora Game Review

    Couldn't we just put reviews on the wiki ?
  19. maplesugarlover

    Battery storage temperature? Charged: 50%.

    Don't apoligize The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not mainly use the metric system .(we use it in science, medicine, aviation, government, and various sectors of industry.) Ironically many U.S. customary units are defined in terms of the metric meter.
  20. maplesugarlover

    My Open Pandora On Ebay

    wow , I didn't know there were NTSC handhelds : D