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  1. maplesugarlover

    Release Fennec 4.0b3

    The app store is so outdated , I'm suprised you still have it. The wiki has much more software and is kept up to date.
  2. maplesugarlover

    Some software questions

    Or you could use the wiki
  3. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Traverso

    At one time I added Iron but then I realized Iron is a scam
  4. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Traverso

    Well , I tend to reply here because I maintain the port request wiki page. When I see a suggestion I like, I add it to the page
  5. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Traverso

    I just use the view new content thing in the top right corner
  6. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Traverso

    Added it to Port requests
  7. maplesugarlover

    Port Request: Kazama (Fighting Game Engine)

    Editing a wiki page isn't really all that hard : )
  8. maplesugarlover

    Port Requests

    1. rtcw is already on port requests 2 . Pickle is already working on a port
  9. maplesugarlover


    +1 to second exodous for that idea
  10. maplesugarlover

    What's happening today

    How long do you estimate for batch 2 ?
  11. maplesugarlover

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    It was easy, leap year kid
  12. maplesugarlover

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    My guess is that Gadgetoid was born February 29,1984
  13. maplesugarlover

    Homebrew competition!!

    If anyone needs ideas on stuff to port
  14. maplesugarlover

    What's up with NES?

    It's not on the wiki
  15. maplesugarlover

    Another new machine...

    Craig, doom on the gbc impossible ? but it was on the spectrum
  16. maplesugarlover

    Another new machine...

    If I want a completly open source game console, I'll get a uzebox
  17. maplesugarlover

    Flash Player On Pandora

    What about a gnash installer?
  18. maplesugarlover

    Blender on the Pandora

    The pandora passes the minimal requirements except for: 1024 x 768 px Display with 16 bit color and Open GL Graphics Card with 16 MB Ram. Here is the page
  19. maplesugarlover

    Game Cube on Pandora?

    No Nintendo Gamecube Emulator on Pandora