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  1. S

    Help.. Virtual Dub

    I'm gonna order moviepark, but want to be able to create the files that run on it first..! Have Div x 5, and yes d/l the 345 codec files so have all 3 now. I can follow alll instructions, the problem is that when it encodes and can vary between 20-45% of the film, it usually crashes and says...
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    List of games that work well with snes9x

    Donkey Kong country did not work for me 1 or 2 or flash back. Killer instincts work, but slow. SF2 Turbo: Works well w/O sound... a little slowish. Final fight 3.. tad slow... NBA jam.. ok on FS 2-3
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    Releasing Beta copies of games....

    Guys calm down.. i start a thread and its war.....! All i wanted to say was if Author X gets pissd off (And hence stops working on the EMU as well) when his beta is pre-released, then he should not release it... simple..! Thanks
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    Releasing Beta copies of games....

    I just wanted to know what people think of this situation. Many people who code progs, wehter its emus or other stuff, often get very stroppy (I realise if you get 1000s of ls asking questions u too would probably get stroppy..!) when its inadvertantly released to the public and stop the...
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    How do you Reset the GP32?

    Hey... No need all these hard resets.. my GP32 resets whenever it wants to.. all on its own...!!! LOL.. seriously it resets sometimes when i load a prog..! Shah
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    GPENGINE- SPEEDS and probs

    Many thanks prophet.. I actually play R-Type in 60 fps to slow it dow on 133 mhz..! Cheers all.
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    GPENGINE- SPEEDS and probs

    I know this may have been covered, BUT is it me or does the emu run faster than NORMAL when on 133 mhz with frame rate of 30. I prefer 153 with frame rate of 60, as its a little slower and smoother... Any tips..?
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    Now able to log in... Guess what they have resnt the package today.. Well see when it comes.....!!! Hope they have not double charged my credit card....! Shah
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    HELP... I cannot log into PLAY-ASIA anymore...! How can i check my status and if they have sent me another GP32 as the last one was broken... ANY ONE THINK they deleted my details on purpose, as when i try to log in it says email not registered..!.. I know its registered as i have bought the...
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    When i get my GP32 back... then i will get bubble bobble.. and newzealand story...!
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    Ceromus, You scare me dude, i just hope Play-asia return me my GP32. I told my cousin to send it and he sent it via normal airmail. Mailed Tom and he said he would be on a look out for my Parcel. It normally takes 5 working days via airmail to HK, its allready been 6 days and no contact. I'll...
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    I know you can get a GBA front light. Its just a Afterburner but Stuck onto the front of the screen so you dont have to open the device.. Any chacne one may come out for the GP32..? P.S: Still waiting for mine ot be returned by Play-Asia..! Shah
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    First Games Console

    Mine was a VCS 2600 Woody version . Got it for £5 or £10. Lost it many years ago... Worth a mint nowdays..! Then got an AMSTRAD CPC464 with a green screen. Swapped this later for a a Master system.. that was cOLOUr... with R-Type..1 (Heaven), then sold that and bought a second hand AMIGA A500...
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    Ceromus, What did they say about the delay in refunding your money.. what excuse can they come with..>?
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    Luckiest GP32 Owner Ever

    Hey, I'm even more lucky, i bought a brand new GP32 and straight out of the box it never worked properly..... never worked at all..! What LUCK.. !! Shah
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    GOD DAMN GBAX!!!!!!!!!!!&#

    Ebuyer is OK.. SMC comes within 2-3 days BUT I KNOW LOTS OF PEOPLE who have ordered the SMC card reader with it being delivered very late..! Hope you get it soon. Shah
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    £40... well consider yourself lucky. I ordred and had to return it to them as it was broken with a dodgy processor/firmware. H ave not heard anything from them yet, and then will have to pay import tax again..!
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    GBA Emulator Development

    GBA.. Yes i want it... BUT.. i feel that this may lead to massive piracy and too many little gits causing a bad name for the GP32 scene... I dont think it will be technically possible ... to play the big roms, but hey, i prefer the old SNES games.. Bring on DKC... I still play it on my SNES..!
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    Ceromos, let me know what happens... I just hope they give me a new GP32 system rather than a used one.... If any at all..!
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    AARRRGGGHHH Sent over my GP32 to be replaced.... But the person who sent it sent it via normal post.. No tracking.. Now wondering if Play-asia will say they rcieved the unit.. and will ask for tracking which i do not have. Aslo emailed Tom, and he said he will send a new unit once the old one...