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    PayPal sucks arse (edited)

    waiting makes it even better :>
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    PayPal sucks arse (edited)

    okay, I start the flaming.. I personally think that the guys posting that kind of threads "suck arse" Lik Sang is doing this because they want to be actually paid when they send the stuff
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    Anyone Beat Vertical Horizontally?

    Indeed. But playing with sound at max volume gives more difficulty ;p
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    Mystery [ Gp32linux Web Browser ? ]

    yeah, but what's the point ? It wouldn't fool anyone..
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    Mystery [ Gp32linux Web Browser ? ]

    well, someone had a web server running on gplinux, why not a browser ? It *could* be a modified lynx or something like that
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    Need Help With Ogg Format

    Converting from mp3 to ogg isn't a really good idea as you will most likely loose sound quality.. But if you don't really bother (the sound isnt that good with headphones anyways) make sure to use quality 3 or 3.5
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    GP32 Linux Coding

    That's what I tought at first, but I can't remember where ? :o nm, found it on your site (episode IV)
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    GP32 Linux Coding

    Yeah, of course.. but you could cross compile from arm to x86 too :P Also I'm using cedega since a while now (I already used it when it was still called WineX) but not all games work with it. When it works it work generally very well tho. By the way Jay, where does that fish come from ? I...
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    Flu Bit

    I tried and sucessfully scratched it :P I guess you could clean it with something really soft, and only from left to right, never from top to bottom
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    GP32 Linux Coding

    Well the only difference between linux and gplinux is that linux (I assume you meant PC linux) is compiled for an x86 architecture and gplinux is compiled for arm. You could code in a windows environment and compile it with cygwin, but that'd be a bit pointless.. PS : I'm using Linux as my...
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    GP32 Ads Download

    Isn't ADS a commercial app ? I mean, don't you have to buy it to use it ?
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    Pinball Dream Cheats???

    It happened to me too a few times, but it was mostly on the Beat Box table
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    New Osnes9x Crashes

    I didn't experience any crash with 0.3, but I did notice some games are now playable (like Treasure of the Rudras for example)
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    Gp32 Usb Mouse Wip

    It should work on any OS that supports USB mice
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    GP32 Makefiles

    OBJS = *.o ? :x
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    You most likely don't have the wind-ups folder in gpmm so it can't save properly
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    Os9xgp 0.2 200 Mhz Mod

    It somehow doesnt work at all for me, it crashs at file selector and the 3D logo is all black :l It does this even at 133 MHz
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    Gp32 180 Mhz

    How are you supposed to replace those smaaaaal resistors with basic soldering skills ? O_o
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    GP32 Bmp ,don't Undestand Why It Doesn't Work

    I had the same problem with mirko's sdk, I finally fixed it by converting my image with gpconverter and using DMA to load it.. works perfectly now, but I don't think the official SDK has DMA.