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  1. Rivaan

    Ordering From Open Pandora

    Fair dos, that's understandable. I got an error when I sent the email, so I sent another one just in case. Contents of both emails are identical so if one was received, the other can be ignored. To be honest, I'm kind of jumping on the bandwagon late here, so I don't have unrealistic...
  2. Rivaan

    Ordering From Open Pandora

    Hi there, thank you for your reply! :) I took heed of what you said and sent an email asking if it was possible to reserve a place in the queue until I could pay them shortly. And sorry Joce, for kind of being off topic with my posts :unsure: But congrats for getting a place in the first...
  3. Rivaan

    Ordering From Open Pandora

    Hmm, I'm hoping to buy a first-batch Pandora. I've had my eye on this project and on these forums for a little while now. I wasn't waiting for a green light, so much as I'm just waiting to get paid! I've been working pro-bono for 11 months (I live with my parents, so no bills per se). I've been...