Search results

  1. Rivaan

    Needs better touchscreen

    I'd love to help out with the web development, but I'll need to learn to use GitHub first (and to finish some assignments for college). :ph34r: I know HTML (4 and some 5), CSS (2 and some 3), PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter framework for PHP, and am currently learning JavaScript. I'm alright in the...
  2. Rivaan

    Introduce yourself

    I've made a few posts here and there, but didn't notice this thread till now. Hi everyone! I'm Rivaan, though my real name is Ran. I'm 28 years old from London, England. I would describe myself as a gamer, though these days I only play my 3DS a few hours a week. I'm slowly getting back into PC...
  3. Rivaan

    Needs better touchscreen

    ^ Oh right. Yeah, that would make sense. I guess it's too early in the morning for me. :lol: And I completely agree about giving reasons/examples. I find that examples help greatly when I'm explaining to people why something is good or bad, rather than relying on and assuming what they may...
  4. Rivaan

    Needs better touchscreen

    Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I just remembered that I've once seen for sale, a sheet that one could purchase to turn a regular screen, say that of a laptop, into a touch-sensitive interface. Just looking on the site, although it's in two different blocks, it does mention in one that it...
  5. Rivaan

    Welcome new and old members!

    After thinking about it for a while, despite previously saying I would have liked 4G, I am now more in favour of 3G. By reading the arguments users have put forth in some of the threads here, I have come to realise that, for me, the universality of 3G is a much more desirable aspect of mobile...
  6. Rivaan

    Needs better touchscreen

    Quick question. I think the community almost unanimously wants a resistive screen. ED said that the Pyra screen will most probably be the same as that in the Google Nexus 5. But isn't that a capacitive screen? Would it need to be converted, or something, to resistive? Also, on the official...
  7. Rivaan

    Finding a proper name and logo :)

    Really liking the dragon above the device name, all with that red/black gradient. :D And I think it looks nice on the device like that bottom image too.
  8. Rivaan

    Optional 3G/UMTS module

    I don't plan on using it as a torrent box. My uses would involve: being on the train and working on documents in Google Drive and other cloud services, with maybe some music streaming in the background; using the GPS to navigate to a destination; watching the odd YouTube video now and then, to...
  9. Rivaan

    Optional 3G/UMTS module

    I may be in the minority with this, but I would be willing to pay that much extra for added 4G/LTE. I have only used 4G a little, on my brother's phone, but its download speed blew my 3G speed out of the water.
  10. Rivaan

    Finding a proper name and logo :)

    Wow, FZERO, your latest designs rock! :D
  11. Rivaan

    Finding a proper name and logo :)

    Like some others, I prefer this simple text as the logo. Look at the Game Boy range. They used the console name in the branding, with no logo, and they became pretty iconic! I don't think a logo is required to establish recognition/association for those that don't know of the device. I mean was...
  12. Rivaan

    Log's including Pyra that may or may not look like Swastika and the ensuing discussion

    Wow. Well this thread certainly made for an interesting read this morning before I head off to college. :P Personally, as someone who has grown up in a household and culture that sees the swastika as a symbol of peace and prosperity, I couldn't see it in comradekingu's logo. But I think that...
  13. Rivaan

    Should Pyra have a Camera?

    What about an optional USB camera module or something? Those that want it can purchase it separately and plug it in. Something like this:
  14. Rivaan

    PandoraLive and Pyra -> Change of Name ?

    I think that there should be one blog for both of the devices (and any upcoming devices after that). If you do that, though, there would need to be a name-change so that it's no longer specific to one of the devices. The reason I think they should both be catered for in one blog is that the...
  15. Rivaan

    Welcome new and old members!

    Although I'd have preferred 4G, I'd still be very happy having 3G! So if it's optional, I'll most certainly be opting in. That 3G kill-switch, I've seen mentioned a few times around these boards, also sounds like a good idea. As well as FOSDEM, isn't there also another show that ED usually goes...
  16. Rivaan

    Welcome new and old members!

    That multi-tasking video of the 2 PSX emus et al running simultaneously was pretty darn amazing! I've not been this excited for a new device since the Pandora! It's pretty much a guaranteed sale for me, at this point. I'd have preferred 4G/LTE instead of 3G/UMTS, but any on-the-go connectivity...
  17. Rivaan

    Pandora Keyword Suggestion Thread.

    UMPC, Handheld Linux PC. The above two are the terms I have used, when I came across the Pandora.
  18. Rivaan

    Refund Experience?

    Do you mean the Always Innovating Touch Book? If so, is it good? I was very intrigued when I saw their site. It looks like an awesome piece of kit.
  19. Rivaan

    Collectors - Cherished Games?

    Hmm.. I'm 24, and my cherished games are as follows: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1) Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (N64) Mysterious Ninja: Starring Goemon (N64) Body Harvest (N64) Pokemon Red/Gold (GBC) The King of Fighters games - including The Match of The Millennium (Neo Geo...
  20. Rivaan

    Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?

    I'm gonna go ahead and echo the sentiments of the others here. We need a good while to enjoy the Pandora and what it can offer us (for at least 3 years) before we venture onwards. I, for one, wouldn't be too thrilled at my new-ish console becoming "old gen" before it's really been given a...