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  1. authoreyes

    Quick Personal Update And A New Homebrew Pnd

    I have just finished day 3 of my first week of chemo. Getting through this little by little. I haven't really had a the brain/will power to be too active on the boards/dev, but I did package up one of my games I am working on (not the side scroller) This is a word seek game that dynamically...
  2. authoreyes

    Pandora Pancake Pandora Sdk Survey

  3. authoreyes

    Taking A Week Off

    Gruso! This makes me happy as I sit and get me chemo :) Glad to have you back!
  4. authoreyes

    Pandora Code::blocks On The Pandora

    YES! Well done sir! I will give this a shot in the next 2 days.
  5. authoreyes

    Midwest Pandora Fest Planning Thread

    In Chicago - If I am capable (and depending on when/where), I am in...
  6. authoreyes

    Just Had My 2Nd Batch Pre-Order Email

    To add a completely non-quantifiable opinion, It is more than worth it in my opinion. I will be buying a second one, no question. There really is nothing like this. To go from using the nubs in a game, to the touch screen in another game, to browsing, then downloading files, modifying them...
  7. authoreyes

    Release Hotfix 3 Released

    So far, I haven't noticed any problems... Looks good!
  8. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    No prob! I just wish I would have been a bit more accurate :) I'll try to do another one soon.
  9. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    Here is the next video with several requests (and more) from the community. Before that, I figured I'd give a health update. Had a scary meeting with the oncologist yesterday, learning all the details of what lie ahead. I start chemo in a week, and its a full time job. 8 hours a day for 3...
  10. authoreyes

    Pandora Code::blocks On The Pandora

    Any update on a nice, shiny pnd?
  11. authoreyes

    Release Openpirates

    This is awesome pickle - I am adding a video tonite that shows a few seconds of gameplay....more soon
  12. authoreyes

    No Sound From Vice 64

    Actually - Did you turn off Warp Drive mode? I had the same issue - some games would work, but others seemed to play at a higher clip and disable sound.
  13. authoreyes

    Release Openpirates

    Can't wait! Gonna try this tonite.
  14. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    Thanks all, and yup, that's 10th frame! I realize I shot a bunch more clips like beachead 2, beyond the forbidden forest, gfl football, etc, that I didn't add....more to do tomorrow...
  15. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    Will do for tomorrow - and the cmd keen...
  16. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    Thank you, and I did get the message :) I have several days before chemo, so I am going to try to make several more vids...
  17. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    Of course all, would be glad to do more....So much to try...any requests are welcome...
  18. authoreyes

    A Status Update/video Tour Of My Pandora

    I received my Pandora last week, but I also had my biopsy, so I haven't been in a great state mentally to really think about much. My seminoma testicular cancer has returned, and I will begin chemo treatments soon (meeting with oncologist tomorrow to determine course of action). I wanted to...
  19. authoreyes

    Got Your Pandora? Describe It In One Sentence!

    My favorite story about Hemmingway: Was challenged to compose a story in 6 words: Allegedly, his response: Baby shoes. For sale. Never worn. So brilliant. The multitude of tales this could tell. Anywhoo, I am obviously no where near that smart/creative....I am trying my best to surmise my...
  20. authoreyes

    I Got My Pandora

    I received my pandora today. It is better than I could have ever imagined. It is a bit bittersweet getting it under the circumstances, and it's hard to truly appreciate it fully right now. I started making a review/video, but my mind has been elsewhere... I had my biopsy 2 days ago and await...