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  1. LeChuck87

    Media Reports

    ahahaha! :D
  2. LeChuck87

    Killer Apps

    .....don't..... press... the.... show...button..... argh!!
  3. LeChuck87

    Amiga Fans?how Many People Own Amiga.pandora Emulation Will Be Cool.

    A500+ here... and still kickin'! did you ever notice the a+ build quality? 19 years of work and no repair at all!
  4. LeChuck87

    Killer Apps left box "Entwickler" maybe?
  5. LeChuck87

    Official Blog- Keep It Going

    hmm... i can boil water! :D
  6. LeChuck87

    Official Blog- Keep It Going

    right... give him a pandora and let him do his programming-magic!
  7. LeChuck87

    Crappiest Launcher You'll Ever See, But Here You Go

    nice work! love the minimalism... OT: is openjazz already ported? i think missed something :D
  8. LeChuck87

    Official Blog- Keep It Going

    +1 keep the quality high all the way, even if it takes longer.
  9. LeChuck87

    Cebit Video

    +2 Tenacious D ftw! :D
  10. LeChuck87

    Collabrative Unboxing Video

    ^ ..i'm in, too. :pandora2ut4:
  11. LeChuck87

    Let's Label This Mofo

    sure... works like a charm ;)
  12. LeChuck87

    Let's Label This Mofo

    yeah i'm lazy... just copied it ;) EDIT: changed it... (but: what has been seen cannot be unseen! :D )
  13. LeChuck87

    Let's Label This Mofo

    just in case... quick mirror: Looki Looki (non-temporary)
  14. LeChuck87

    General Forum Closure

    it had to be made... thinking of it, even if he asked me i couldn't answer it because i don't know my order-number. if i ordered from gbax he should know, doesn't he?! I just got the order-number from ed's shop which doesn't say anything... :D nvm.
  15. LeChuck87

    Just Wondering If We've Heard From The Factory.....

    EDIT: @Kyosys ..nein.
  16. LeChuck87

    Libpnd And Pnd-File .. The Position. I Can Add Drama Too!

    why doesn't vimacs get a pandora from the dev-fund?... let's force him to take one! B) :pandora2ut4:
  17. LeChuck87

    Craigx Does It Again... ;)
  18. LeChuck87

    Craigx Does It Again...

    ... some good news: Chinese mould factory are back at work :)
  19. LeChuck87

    New Pic From Mweston (Rev5 Board)

    There's a new Pic on MWeston's Photobucket-Page. Have a look The Comment from MW is I haven't found the changes to Rev4 so far... anyone?!? EDIT: to be more precise it's Rev5a... :blink: EDIT 2: and what's that unfinished looking part on the upper right?!