Search results

  1. Lafazar

    Release Java PND

    Great! I was just about to suggest that. Strange, when I tried last night they forced me to login. Edit: They still do...
  2. Lafazar

    DVB-T TV on Pandora

    I was cleaning up and stumbled on an old Pinnacle Hybrid TV Tuner that I had completely forgotten about. I wanted to try it on Pandora and had the same experience as TrashyMG: All I needed to do was install the mentioned packages (dvb-apps dvb-scan tvb-tzap) and copy three firmware files to...
  3. Lafazar

    Release Java PND

    I tried JDiskReport, Night Vision and GeoGebra from the repo with the Oracle Java and they run flawlessly. I even think GeoGebra runs faster/more fluid than on my PC. Pretty impressive!
  4. Lafazar

    Release FoxtrotGPS

    You need to install it separately. Follow these instructions to correctly connect your GPS dongle:
  5. Lafazar

    Release FoxtrotGPS

    That would indeed be awesome. First the whole wikipedia (14GB), now a detailed map of the whole planet (8.5GB) can actually fit in your pocket on a Pandora. We truly live in the future.
  6. Lafazar

    Release FoxtrotGPS

    Sure it can be done, but if you have poi coordinates you might as well store and display everything including streets in vectors. Takes much less space and is automatically routable. Here are the dependencies for Navit: http://wiki.navit-pr...hp/Dependencies The only problem I can see is...
  7. Lafazar

    Release FoxtrotGPS

    Well, Foxtrot is still in development. But the main problem is that it's based on PNG-tiles and not on vectors. Tiles are nice for map viewing but next to useless for routing, because the maps are just pictures without additional information. If we want routing, we need a port of the...
  8. Lafazar

    Release FoxtrotGPS

    You can set a point as home and a little flag will be displayed there in all zoom levels. It's not as good as routing, but you'll easily be able to find it again at least.
  9. Lafazar

    Release Firefox 13.0

    Thanks for the tip. Completely forgot that you can do that (I blame MS Windows).
  10. Lafazar

    Release Evopedia

    Yes that's exactly right. As long as the Evopedia window is running you can use this to search from any browser that supports search plugins. Since Evopedia uses the same address/port in all versions I have used so far, it should work on desktop versions of evopedia as well. I just made a...
  11. Lafazar

    Release Firefox 13.0

    It's just insane how configurable Firefox is. Here's how I set up mine to maximize screen space:
  12. Lafazar

    Release Evopedia

    I made search plugins for German and English evopedia dumps, this should make using it with compatible browsers like Firefox much easier: http://mycroft.mozde...?author=Lafazar
  13. Lafazar

    Kiwix, wikipedia offline reader, a port for Pandora ?

    I made search plugins for German and English evopedia dumps, this should make using it with compatible browsers like Firefox much easier:
  14. Lafazar

    Release VisualBoyAdvance port

    It's even a little more complicated with the Game Boy Color: There is background, sprite plane 1 and sprite plane 2 with four levels of grey for the background and 3+transparency for the sprites, GBC could give each of these a different palette (selectable by a button combination during boot)...
  15. Lafazar

    Release VisualBoyAdvance port

    I'm stupid, I asked the wrong question. What I meant was: Is it possible to make VBA integer scale? Currently the GB resolution of 160x144 is scaled to 480 lines, but since 480 is not an integer multiple of 144 not all gameboy pixels are displayed with the same size wich looks bad in some games...
  16. Lafazar

    Release Evopedia

    Yes, that should work. As long as the Pandora accepts traffic on that port from outside you could access it directly, for example like this (my pandora's address on my home network): But I just tested it and it can't connect, that port is probably firewalled by the...
  17. Lafazar

    Release Evopedia

    It looks like evopedia starts its own webserver at port 8080. is localhost, the address of your own computer in a network. So when you enter the address in the browser, the evopedia server reacts by retrieving the desired data from the database, generating all the equations as images...
  18. Lafazar

    Kiwix, wikipedia offline reader, a port for Pandora ?

    The evopedia archives are split into 500MB chunks and don't require any special filesystems (I use it on FAT32). This is what the english wikipedia looks like for example: Directory of C:\Users\Lafazar\Downloads\torrents\wikipedia\wikipedia_en_2012-02-11 04.09.2012 15:36 50...
  19. Lafazar

    Kiwix, wikipedia offline reader, a port for Pandora ?

    When I found that out (thanks to Darkknight512's comment on the repo), evopedia went from great to fantastic for me. Many thanks to mcobit for porting evopedia!
  20. Lafazar

    Release VisualBoyAdvance port

    Is there a way to get proportional scaling? Or simple 2x/3x scaling?