Search results

  1. T

    Games You Have Played Until Daybreak

    Sonic The Hedgehog... had to beat it, but you couldn't save, so i just played ALL NIGHT. also metal gear sold.
  2. T

    Late Night Lovin'

    do you wanna know :P jk...
  3. T

    What is your avatar of?

    :) good answer.
  4. T

    Mpx200....worth Getting It?

    tnobile's alright in the States... good phones too.
  5. T

    I Hate Skool!!

    AND FOR THE RECORD: some americans CAN spell UTPOIA :P yeah, i know it was a joke.
  6. T

    I Hate Skool!!

    still, you must only talk to dipshits. and why does in matter if people ask where you're from? is it that personal a thing?
  7. T

    Double Posts

    wellm when a mod move the topic, they CAN delete the old one. (am i the only other person besides the mods with IPB knowlege?) then again, im not fmiliar with the front page dealy. Maybe that needs to be tweaked as well.
  8. T

    Eight Character Smc Name Limit

    shift reverse apostrophe. ;)
  9. T

    Bad News

    we should start a cluuuub. ;)
  10. T

    Don't Expect Any Updates On Gp32 Theatre...

    bummer, well good luck getting back on :)
  11. T

    Bad News

    HOORAY I Am A SPAMMER!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. T

    Best Mp3 Player...

    good luck :) hope its better than i heard it was B)
  13. T

    Best Mp3 Player...

    NOT BULLSHIT. in the US, the the iPod is only $30 more. i guess it is more there, but i didnt know that. I'm not saying its that bad, but the navigation isnt too good, the strip is skippy. BTW it got 7/10 in Max. PC.
  14. T

    Interesting Habits

    THAT'S A LIE! and i heard idiocy can cause you to be regarded as a moron and a postwhore :P :P
  15. T

    Do You Guys Belive Time Travel Is Possible.

    well if SAM knoiws it it must be obvious and elementary :P jk
  16. T

    Nintendo Ds

    awww... poow poow peter...
  17. T

    Best Mp3 Player...

    iPods are only 30 bucks more. And why would you change the extension when you dont need to with an iPod. Honestly, the only reason that should detract you from an iPod is battery life, which isn't that bad, plus anytime you hook it up to your comp it recharges via firewire. they also come with...
  18. T

    Best Mp3 Player...

    zen touch has terrible control as well... seriously, iPods really are worth it.
  19. T

    Interesting Habits

    :) :) :) I HAVE TO GIVE MYSELF 'BOUT 6 SHOTS A DAY! :) :) :) of insulin :P
  20. T

    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    yaeh, i love Modest Mouse. you've heard BtS? if you like MM you'll like them too. I've seen them both live :D and... here's me playlisto el currento: 1. Magazines- Brand New 2. Armageddon- Alkaline Trio 3. The School Of Assasins- Anti Flag 4. We Got The Power- Dropkick Murphys 5. Kids...