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  1. G

    analog pad change

    You should better worship your analag one! Other people dont even have an analog one. And if Anna lags behind, dont force her even more by diagonal movements. Its not gentlemen-like. Just do the old in-out style and everybody will be happy.
  2. G

    GP32 developer base

    I'm interested in the percentage of active programmers in the GP32 scene. Please answer even if you don't code for the GP32.
  3. G

    New Visual Novel

    Sure, give us the hentai one. Its what visual novels were made for in the first place. Hentai is actually really strange stuff, these are HENs from THAIland. Thats were the name comes from in the first place. Sometimes its referred to as "ecchi", since hentai starts with an H. Hokka ni darega...
  4. G

    Nintendos Ique

    Why should you buy an ique if you get a used nintendo64 with games for under 50$? Additional games will be cheaper, too i guess. Probably you wont even be able to purchase additional games by internet as long as you are not in china. before sticking a lcd on that thing you might wait until...
  5. G

    N-Gage: cracked!

    the games are compiled for the phone, written in c/c++ and why bother about an emulator for 6 n-gage games...
  6. G

    savestates in gpengine v.4

    sure, of course.
  7. G

    Afterburner work wtih Gp32?

    Afterburner runs fine on GPengine
  8. G

    GP32 Euro Released cancelled

    The news came from Mitsui PR, so dont buy the story that its gameparks fault too fast. I would guess that Mitsui wanted too much for too little in return so that the deal busted in the end. That everything seems to be ok for the launch in Spain also points into that direction. And there are...
  9. G


    Level 6?? Then you by far didnt see all the possible asteroid types!
  10. G


    Thanks that you like it! Awesome score :) Im working on a new version with different powerups but the sound is not finished yet. Level wise, i incorporated over 400 levels, so there is still some stuff for you to explore. Any suggestions welcome! PS: When do you think the ufo gets too...
  11. G

    It's true

  12. G

    connect usb harddisc to gp32

    sure, then we only need a 18inch lcd display, a dvd writer, keyboard and mouse, a lan adapter and a nvidia graphics card to get a real cool portable computer. oh wait... we call that laptop already.
  13. G

    Official European release date!

    Gp32 never lived. It was dead when they released it along shoddy official release titles which didnt even come close to games on the gba. Since then there was practically no new official game released. And even the lineup for the european launch doesnt include anything new, rather they left out...
  14. G

    Help me decide between GP32 and Zodiac

    there is NO playable snes emu at the moment even though for instance intelecto was working on one for more than half a year (with his self proclaimed assembly skills). So I would say somebody tried seriously. - sony psp is not open source, yadda yadda. So what? Same holds true for xbox, ps2...
  15. G

    Help me decide between GP32 and Zodiac

    If you want proper snes emulation, just wait where its first released. For the gp32 version some degree of assembly coding will be needed for sure and there are not so many people out there who are able to do that. So dont buy gp32 if you want a handheld snes until someone sits down and does it...
  16. G

    Where do i put the porns?!!

    I got my gp32, sucess in playing the MP3's of the porn telephone lien and them girls sound great but i cant get the real stuff rnning on it!! what directory do i put them in? ive looked about but cant find ne help i want to use my little john.. a detailed explination will be fine thanx and i...
  17. G

    256mb smc here....

    Its not true. If you follow the link, you get finally to this site where they show you a SD card. Also, on that shop site there are no smartmedia cards above 128mb.
  18. G


    hoert hoert.
  19. G

    Dreamcast on my GP32!!!

    nice one.
  20. G

    gp32: duke nukem, quake and unreal available now!

    Hi, i just wanted to post that you can have already duke nukem, quake and unreal near full speed on your trusty gp32. All you need is the right emulators, then get the following: DukeNukem Unreal Quake Have fun!