Search results

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    Backlit Keyboard?

    I have a backlit keyboard for my computer... And even in the dark I can type, only with the light of the screen. It'll be the same for the Pandora.
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    Pandora Little Tool For Pandora : Simtgscreen

    Sympathique ;) And useful for GUI makers !
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    Center Click Vs More Travel

    I've got a question... How many PSX games use L3/R3 ? I know only Metal Gear Solid ...
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    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    Oh yeah !! +1 for rewind !
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    Pandora Artwork

    I want this on the back of a white Pandora... :)
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    Zip Playstation Isos To Save Space?

    Hmm, in fact I through the music / videos on PSX games were uncompressed... Thanks for the explanation :)
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    Zip Playstation Isos To Save Space?

    Is it possible to considerate texture, movie and audio compressing to save space in PSX games? I can't believe those games are so big...
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    New Button Poll With Impossibles Removed

    You're really difficult. It's not that hard to learn four Greek letters.
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    Pandora Pandora Bios

    What I want to see when I switch on my pandora is a nice animation, like the dreamcast or gamecube ones. I really miss it on the Wii for example...
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    Wait The Initial Release Is Only 3000 Units

    This is called a laptop.
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    The 'select' Button

    About the position of the buttons, I think that < Start > < Select > < Menu > is not very practical, the < Start > button should be the easiest to reach. I propose this : < Menu > < Select > < Start > What do you think about it?
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    This Poll Is About Buttons.

    In fact I like greek letters too, if it's αβχψ (they are the perfect ones).
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    So What's The Problem With Sega Saturn Emulation Exactly?

    The Dreamcast port runs at 10 fps at 200Mhz. So a Pandora port could run at 30 fps (yes it don't works like this but it's an idea).
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    This Poll Is About Buttons.

    +1 ;)
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    Gui Developement

    I don't agree : just imagine how it'll look on a 4.3" screen... The font will be unviewable.
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    Pandora Ads?

    Pandora : This Baby'll Make You Crazy. Pandora : Even Chuck Norris can't imagine what she can do.
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    Dreamcast Emulator For Pandora?

    I think you don't really realize how powerful is the dreamcast. It's quite like saying that PS2 emulation is possible on the Pandora...
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    4-button Layout Question

    Hey, I was serious. Nobody likes it ?
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    4-button Layout Question

    Why not : ....P &......| ....A :D