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  1. L

    The Best Homebrewn Gp32 Games?

    soon C-Dogs by see this thread
  2. L

    C-dogs Port

    no... i want to fix config setings save/load, highscore and template first
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    C-dogs Port

    yeah i experienced this, it think the problem is related to the Credits Drawing function i have to fix this...
  4. L

    C-dogs Port

    version 0.2 new release, with external campaign support :) enjoy rename file to zip and move content to gp:\gpmm
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    GP32 Mr.mirkos Sdk Replacement

    mmmh, i dont like the static vidmode variable... maybe it would be time to define a struct to handle LDC infos, we could use other features like hardware scrolling and clipping...(using a buffer bigger than the screen res), we could save info like the bpp and the LDC regs like LCDBASEL, LCDBASEU...
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    GP32 Mr.mirkos Sdk Replacement

    np :) maybe CLKVAL should be adjusted too... dont know
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    C-dogs Port

    just expanded drawing to full-screen... :) for the controls... i was thinking to remove it... control is good and you dont need to change it. do you? going to clean the menus and fix external campaings loading for the sound i have no idea how i'm going to implement songs and sfx...yet edit...
  8. L

    C-dogs Port

    here is your zip... but i think there is a porblem with your winrar... rename file to zip, uncompress (there is a .fxe and cdogs dir) and copy in gp:\gpmm edit: attachment removed
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    C-dogs Port

    new release, gfx nearly fixed enjoy rename to rar, and move content into gp:\gpmm edit: attachment removed
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    GP32 Mr.mirkos Sdk Replacement

    i found a bug in you grafik module... in 8bpp the LCD's reg setting are wrong... short gp_initFramebuffer(u32 addr,u16 bitmode,u16 refreshrate) { u16 CLKVAL=3; u32 GPHCLK = gp_getHCLK(); { u16 BPPMODE = 12; // default 16 Bit...
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    GP32 Contiki Ports

    yeah and if you plug a WIFI adapter, you have a mobile website on ur gp32!!!!
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    GP32 Contiki Ports

    i wouldn't say contiki is a "real" OS
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    GP32 Reading From Smc?

    mydata is a char (size=1byte)
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    Gta Clone Port A Possibility ?

    ok, i was not flaming... anyway, if you want a port... take contact by urself... and tell us if they are interssted or need help
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    Gta Clone Port A Possibility ?

    i'll just say: port needs source port needs source port needs source port needs source port needs source port needs source and, search forum, this was allready discussed
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    Another World

    mmmh...i took a quick look at the code, and it seems it use SDL Mutex... as far as i know, Threads and Mutex aren't implemented in actual SDL port... dont know... maybe mutex could be ripped off tought edit: actually mutex seems to be used only for sfx
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    Squidgesdk For Ads

    ok, but could you at least post your fixed smfs lib, mine is still very slow when writing on smc. thanx
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    C-dogs Port

    no fxe??? re-dowload the file... there is an fxe and a directory... put both in gp:\gpmm
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    C-dogs Port

    i'm still having problems with the palette and gfx... (why do i have those verticale lines??? if anyone has an idea... im'using mr.mirko'SDK 0.8) forget about the RF support...(the game was designed to play both players on same computeur, so there is no "network" engine to exchange and...
  20. L

    GP32 A New Flexible Gp32 Coding Language

    fully agreed btw:scripting languages are by definition un-flexible