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  1. L

    No News About Gpengine 0.5 & Black! It's A Shame !

    agreed... THIS is a shame
  2. L

    No News About Gpengine 0.5 & Black! It's A Shame !

    yeah! you should edit your post before getting flammed!!! cant you understand, homebrew games are dev during spare-time for free. if they dont want to work on a project, or even release a new private build, that's their choice and you have to respect it (or die)
  3. L

    ?mugen For Gp32?

    actually, KOF 91 is a mugen mod
  4. L

    The Ur-quan Masters (star Control 2)

    it's using sdl timers... which arent implemented in actual sdl port for gp32... but a port should be possible with huge work, i think... maybe one day... :)
  5. L

    GP32 Opengl ...dream On

    can you fully implement OpenGL ES??? 'cause there is only spec on this link...(no lib or source code we could use)
  6. L

    GP32 How To Set Up Sdl Gp32?

    why not simply forget sdl, and rewrite your backend with mr.mirko's sdk? here
  7. L

    GP32 Filenames And Path Problems

    a simple way (if you are sure you have only upper-case letters, no digits) each char has an integer value ('a'=60, 'b'=61.... 'A'=100,'B'=101 ...) (value are just examples) so to convert a 'A' to 'a' just do 'A'-('A'-'a') ( ('A'-'a') is a constant you can use for every letters) so to convert a...
  8. L

    GP32 Subroutines Returning A String

    no. just do it after the function call, but ofcourse you have to save the result in a char* so, instead of calling your function directly in the strcpy function, just call it before, save the result and then free it just like this char*c = SlelectFile("test"); strcpy(cInputStr,c); gm_free( c)...
  9. L

    GP32 Subroutines Returning A String

    do not free your cOutStr variable but, what's the aim of this function you can directly write strcpy(cInputStr,"test"); if you want to free the vriable char* str strcpy(cInputStr,SelectFile(str,"test")); gm_free(str); ... char* SelectFile(char* s,const char * strStartPath) { s =...
  10. L

    Another World

    not until Erich Chahi says the GP32 will not be a target for the re-release of A.W.
  11. L

    Gigadrive 0.023

    the third parameter set the clock dividers, there are 3 click in gp32 1 for arm920, 1 for sdram and lcd and 1 for the rest (usb,timers, uart) i think it should be '3', 3 is for divider 1:2:4 read the s3c2400 ref manual (available on mr spiv web-page
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    Gigadrive 0.023 a simple clock selector would be great
  13. L

    Gigadrive 0.023

    wonderfull!! keep on the good work, you rock dave!
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    C-dogs Port

    mmm... no, i'm using mr.mirko SDK, i think its related to the xlatVGA function or something with rtc... i only experienced this in menu, what about you?
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    GP32 Sdl

    no really, execpt for fast port of game allready using sdl... rewriting his own backend is not difficult and way much faster
  16. L

    Another World

    calm down... dont bomb-mail eric chahi, he is still dont know if the gp32 will be a target for this re-release (mainly for commercial viability issues :)) btw: he want an Another World release, not a RAW release
  17. L

    Another World

    mmh eric chahi dont seems toanswer tm my email... maybe the adress i found was wrong :( DJWillis: could you ask to cyx eric's email? or maybe just ask him if we can release something on gp32... i think what he did is totally legal (refer to ScummVM), but he abandoned the project only because he...
  18. L

    Another World

    yeah really easy port (raw author made a miracle with his SystemStub) i used mr.mirko's SDK with ADS sound isnt implemented yet... and the 40 lower line of screen are still unused i just sent an email to Eric Chahi... let's see... are you sure RAW 0.1.1 is not completeable?
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    Another World

    indeed, its running pretty well on gp32 (well i ripped sound stuff as usual for my first build)
  20. L

    Another World

    i'm going to contact Eric Chahi, to know if i can release a port for gp32...(raw is really too easy to port) i've saw Eric Chahi asked to cancel a gba port, but maybe he dont care about gp32... i hope so