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  1. C

    Another Sdl_image Compile Problem

    Yeah, libjpeg.a, & ...hang on.... My is linked to /usr/local/devkitPro/devkitGP2X/lib/ and the file I have is /usr/local/devkitPro/devkitGP2X/lib/ I will try relinking it this afternoon. Chimpoid
  2. C

    Another Sdl_image Compile Problem

    Hi all, I finally figured out the setup for compiling with image, mixer etc. in SDL but on running make I am getting the following errors. Functions seem ok and the files are being found now but I am worried that my SDL image lib might be chewed. Can anyone shed any light on this...
  3. C

    New Member - New Game

    Yeah, I spotted that one. Still trying to get my dev environment setup so that I can use SDL_Image (png's instead of color-keyed bitmaps). The problem with the frame rate was that I had setup a class to load, convert, key and display a bitmap. Forgot to seperate all the parts and then ended up...
  4. C

    New Member - New Game

    Update: Going further down the toon root and I think it might be best to redo all the gfx. Penguins have been designed and are ready to implement: Now to code up the fancy menu system to show off the flowery wallpaper :blink: Chimpoid
  5. C

    New Member - New Game

    Pondering:Thinking about a Chuck Jones style and ditching the penguins in favour of mice. EDIT: Added front end for game in chuck jones style. Something a little more cutesy (with copious amounts of blood) Any thoughts? Chimp
  6. C

    New Member - New Game

    Update: Been playing with testing animated penguins with a simple animated blood splatter. Scoring has been added as well. (New version not online yet) Looking for suggestions. Anyone got a preference? Small cuddly penguins that pop up and spin or straight penguins that simply rise up out of...
  7. C

    New Member - New Game

    Sorry, I forgot to mention the source. It is freely available. At the moment thought it is a real kludge of stuff (first time C coder). The problem is that looking at the source it's hard to believe that I could even spell C++ let alone code it :blink: Currently the files are changing...
  8. C

    New Member - New Game

    Update: Phew, fixed a few things. (but still not replaced that logo). The rendering is sorted out now and the frame rate is back up to something a little more respctable. Added the user controls and the basic hit system. Fiddled with the penguin class a bit. ToDo: Lots :) scoring, blood...
  9. C

    New Member - New Game

    Update: Random target generation done and working well. To Do:Spotted a huge error in the rendering code for the playfield. It was loading all the images every frame and then blitting :( Stupid. Will fix it tonight. Framerate of Game is now about 60% complete at a guess. Chimpoid
  10. C

    New Member - New Game

    Minor Update: Finshed the penguin class and have a wee army of penguins bobbing up and down in the playfield. Tested on Linux and the GP2X, working fine so far on both. Next Steps:Random Spawn of targets Particles for hit and miss (blood and snow flurry) Player...
  11. C

    New Member - New Game

    Wow, wrong logo, wrong forum. Way for me to make a first impression :blink: I promise I'll make it up to you folks. Working on the particle systems for the blood splatters tonight. Chimp
  12. C

    New Member - New Game

    Hi there, I just picked up my GP2X a few days ago and have started work on a first game. It's my first foray into game dev. and C++ and SDL are both pretty new to me but it's shaping up nicely. So far I have knocked up the basic rendering and game states and will hopefully have it finished...