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    Nightshift 2007 Party / Istanbul... It's Over.

    Bronx demo don't run here :(
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    Have We Got Any 3d Artists In This Forum?

    hi Baggers, How many poly you planned to draw per frame?
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    Rapidracoon Progress

    RapidRacoon is a commercial game. with our own code: game and 3D engine (no port, no code re-use) and our own materials:3D models, texture, music.... Then no GPL or code release. Ukko/Live!
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    Rapidracoon Progress

    no GPU940!
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    Rapidracoon Need A Musician.

    Wipeout like is fine! and Tracker format
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    Rapidracoon Need A Musician.

    hello Live! is currently looking for a musician to work on the rapidracoon project, if you are interested, then contact me (mail or pm) RapidRacoon Ukko! PS : it's a paid job :)
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    Gp2x Convention(?)

    England! i'm ok for a trip :)
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    For the moment only 2 demos were diffused with yodaz the moderator of the French forum and another to ..... it will tell you itself. Sorry :rolleyes:
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Well, the track can cross itseft but on diferent level(one part upside an other part) no crossroad. It actualy run at 200mhz.
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Yes! it's not realy visible on the video version coz the camera follows the track.
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    What do you mean by undulating track? BTW the 3D engine is based on quad-tree, then it's able to manage any sort of map, but we optimised it only to handle obgect beside the track.
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Yeeaahh! STARCAST done by my friend REZ, he'll make all the music for RapidRacoon (like BabylonBastard) :D
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    you can find here a better quality video Video
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    I'll take that like a compliment :P
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    yes, that comes from the distortion of the mapping, since this video we managed the LOD for the track. And it's better. Ukko/live! PS : yes we are french like you jean-jacques :blink:
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Yes ! fixed point :rolleyes:
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    When: we hope january 2007 How : no idea for the moment ;)
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Alex, We write our own poly routine in ASM,we just used SDL lib for the init. The 3D engine was written in Fixed. We draw all the graphics. Ukko/live!
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    Rapidracoon - Racing Game Wip

    Thanks !! This video is taken from the TV-out of the GP2X! What you see is what get. Ukko/live!