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  1. S

    Gp32blu Firmware Dumped

    To change language: R,R,L, L if it's like in the beta firmware
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    Gp32 Italian Site Online!

    I think it's Her Knight
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    Gp32blu Firmware Dumped

    The BMP must be in GP32 default palette ?
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    Slubman Firmware Updtae

    Another update: some bugs corrected, and also multi-language mode reimplemented :)
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    Slubman Firmware

    Thanks to report this bug It has been corrected, and i've put the new version on my website :) The multi-language mode have been reimplemented to, and i search people for traduction ;)
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    Gp32 Blus Have Been Released!!!

    And it'slook like all BLU gone at 166 Mhz
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    Will There Ever Be An N64 Emulator?

    A N64 emulator or a playstation emulator :o :rolleyes:
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    No Interview This Time

    The comparaison between the GP32 and the GBA is quite good, but Enslaved forgot one thing, if you just want an handeheld to just enter into a vide game shop to buy a game, then buy a GBA :( But the GP 32 is still the best choice ;)
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    New Frontpage And Madsk8tard Interview

    Good new interface because it's more readable than before, but effectively it's to small :( Good interview too ;)
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    GP32 Your Favourite SDK

    No choice for the gamepark SDK, the one i use, thats a big fault :blink:
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    If a program do the same thing than another is it bad ? there lots of Mp3 player, there are lots of OS, have you got a problem with them Durmaster ? if i use your logic, it must have only one thing in every thing, and that's not good. The more choice you have the better it is ;)
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    Slubman Firmware Updtae

    I updated, the downloadable part of the firmware, now you have an FXE representing the complet menu capabilities. I release it in order that yu could find the bugs, and also have some request from users. The topic is here (in beta-testing section) Warning: If you are testing the firmware...
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    yes as it can launch FXE GpBios is a kind of firmware :) But it has a different goal than Aquafish firmware or PacRom firmware and others (for the moment), it's goal is only to let you have a program lauched when bootin on a SMC, and nothing more, no other options. If you don't want to use it...
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    Slubman Firmware

    Update * SlubCMDr: Full menu as a simple program (here) * Launcher: Firmware game launcher(here) * Explorer: Firmware file manger (here)
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    Good News

    I'll not mod my BLU or my non-BLU because i can see utility of 166 Mhz :blink:
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    Falken80 Interview

    When an Hooka interview ???? -->[ ]
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    GP32 Filenames And Path Problems

    gm_lowercase and gm_uppercase will convert only alphabetical character, you have nothing to worry about digits or other special charcaters
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    Pdf Viewer

    This topic had been discussed lots of times (search on "pdf viewer" in this forum)
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    Gpdrive / Gp32 File Transfer On Linux

    I never succeed in making GpDrive work on my Linux Mandrake 9.1, but you can use gplink, wich is a command line tools to communicate with GP32
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    Gp Automatically Launches Gpcinema

    To stop the auto launch, while putting the power on just presse [select] or [start] i dont remember which of this key it is ;)