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  1. S

    How Many *geme Park Holdings* Users Can Clock The 940t High (260 Mhz)

    mine isn't misspelled and mine clocks to 295, but 290 stable. eats batteries like woah though...
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    Super Mario Rpg

    the only way it could possibly be done (and this has a very low percent of working) is to rewrite an entire emulator in assembly to take advantage of everything the gp2x has to offer. if you can get full snes emulation at a low clockspeed (maybe 150) MAYBE (big maybe.) you could get just...
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    Gp2x Thunder Power Pack (new 3600mah Battery)

    thinking about it, your on to something there, you could just make a slot like those two "blank" AAs that lead to a plug, that plug could be wired to your pocket, that pocket could have 2 D cells strapped to a holding connector. something from radiosnizzle (like this...
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    Gp2x Article On The Inquirer

    How did they put it? "Play WMAs (later date)" or something to that effect.
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    One Must Fall 2097

    I agree with making a remake. I looked at the work that was done on the SSHP (system shock hack project) project on source forge. apparently hacking that game was a nightmare, and even the game they DO have running is just a tech demo of a map viewer. It's kinda sad, its possibly my favorite...
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    Ws2x : New Wonderswan Emulator ?

    there is no need. everyone just chill out and use the halon fire suppressors plz.
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    Breakout Box / Cradle Coming In Late December

    if the dev board is only 30 euros, and the consumer version is 40, i'd probably just buy the consumer ed. though i'd like a version that didn't have it as a cradle, preferably with a wire that was around 45cm long or so. i dunno why, but that'd strike me as a useful feature.
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    Dictionarys Or Translators

    didn't the GP32 have an edict dictionary (for japanese/english)? i remember it using an old version of the edict files because the GP32 couldn't handle the newer files (couldn't fit into ram or something) if someone wanted to make a frontend to the unix wordnet source, which is just an english...
  9. S Closes Down

    actually funny you mentioned that, i was just thinking to myself, "well now i'm gonna flash my PSP down to 1.5"
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    Obscure Snes Games

    look on aeongenesis's website at the completed projects section. tons of great japanese games there. (not a rom site. they are a translation group)
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    Gp2x = Extreme Durability

    Why would you use my very first computer to clean your pool... thinking about it, it makes sense, the thing was a hunk of junk. [ontopic] dropped mine off the top of my desk, (~6 ft high), hit my cd book (at the desktop) (~3ft drop), and bounced again at floor level. the batteries exploded...
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    New Vba-r Version

    that'd be cool if the menu was called by hitting the Y button. (preferably avoiding all the stick clicking.)
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    New Vba-r Version

    Apparently (from the readme), the following has been added updated: frameskip change in game using stick-click & vol + or vol- quit using stick-click & start stick-click & B =load "savestate" stick-click & A =save "savestate" X = speedup Y = save image L+R+ Start = Pause (Maybe someone can...
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    Squidgesnes 0.39

    I retested Megaman 7, the graphics corruption is gone. The bug was probably due to the ram timings (but it happened twice in the same level, so i thought it was a bug). sorry about that.
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    GP2X Rt73sta Wireless Usb Driver

    so what device does this driver support? does it function? Does it require the BOB for MK1 GP2x units? (opposed to a usb adapter) How hard would it be to configure?
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    Bob Case Mods..

    i was thinking the same thing paradox. I'm thinking about something like this... may take me awhile to buy the BOB though...
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    Game Emulation Option Request

    because that would have made sense. i find it difficult to control also. Until someone develops a simple easy to install mod, that wont wreck the casing, i find it hard to think that the problem will be solved so quickly. I wish GPH sold the front casing with a blank for the stick part, if they...
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    no, thats the X series. your thinking of the C chip. X1-3 had it (though it may be called DSP in X3)
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    Vba2x-r Updated Again

    it has the mmuhack kernel module in it..
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Megaman 7 becomes messy after the intro, the graphics become garbled. almost as if its reading from something it cant handle