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  1. S

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    oops =) i only have a DS phat. i was under the assumption that the gamma could be turned up also though <<;
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    CODE DSLite PSP (slim) Craiginator GP2X F200 CPU1 ARM9@67Mhz MIPS R4000 @ 333 Cortex-A8@1Ghz ARM9@200 CPU2 ARM9@33Mhz ?? No...
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    Got Psp - But Waiting For Craiginator!

    I also prefer the PSP to the GP2X. This might just be a personal thing, but eh. PSX emulation is excellent, the emulations are pretty damn good (they might not be "crisp" in your definition, but i prefer the bilinear to jagged edges myself), the music formats are pretty good (wma, mp3, ATRAC3...
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    New Or Old School D&d Game

    Wizardry 1-3 are on the NES, a 4 substory (sadly not the real wiz4), and 5 is on the SNES, appleIIe has 1-6 wiz 7 and 8 are on the PC. The GBC has wiz 1-3 in japanese on one cart, but translations exist, and they are generally better than the NES counterparts. Eye of the beholder is a great...
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    Seaman Clone

    simple google search gave me this: i have the one certified for steam (mostly for talking smack on counterstrike, which has become more of an art than just talking smack, as its required in polite conversation). The sound quality is...
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    Seaman Clone

    honestly, i don't have a BoB either. if a game was created on that though (assuming it was good enough) i'd make one or potentially buying one. assuming that. like i said though, i think (if it were made in 3d) that it should wait for the gp3x or whatever, that way we could at least have...
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    Ubuntu Won't Recognise Gp2x

    it might be worth noting to sync it before disconnect. before typing the unmount, just type "sync" and then unmount it. this ensures it was written.
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    Seaman Clone

    come to think of it, if the mic was only activated when you hit a button, then the overhead of it polling would decrease. this is also how it works in the original. (cant believe i forgot about that)
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    New Gp2x F-200

  10. S

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    dude. if you want all that, get a $3k (usd) laptop from falcon-nw. really it'll be cheaper. and while your at it, why don't we add in a 1080p 45in display, cause those little screens hurt eyes, an aigea physX card,the ability to generate its own power using a cold fusion engine, and why not: a...
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    Seaman Clone

    i've actually been playing it. aside from the voice recognition software, i don't really see too much that'd be to hard. the graphics were pretty simple, the aquarium was around 50 polygons, and the seaman themselves were the biggest thing. i cant tell how many polys they are, but i'd say...
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    Seaman Clone

    in 2000 they released a game on the Dreamcast named "seaman". as odd as it sounds, it was rather revolutionary in the sense that it had a complex life simulation and evolution chain, but it also had a still rather impressive voice recognition library. I'm not saying that porting the game would...
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    that's extremely good news. i don't mind the cost too much, provided i have fullspeed SNES, NES, and GB/C/A, Amiga, and PSX would be a plus also. If it has a "chatboard" so to speak, that'd be nice also. i'd like just a simple text editor (similar to notepad or kate) to make notes or lists. if...
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    New Gp2x F-200

    someone got the joke ^_^
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    New Gp2x F-200

    pig laser? is that a pig with a laserbeam attached to its head? ;) edit: As far as the machine goes, i'm debating if i'll even bother buying this model. more than likely I'll just buy that craigx machine, and use that instead. it seems to be a much better idea than spending another $200 on...
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    How Gamepark Screwed Up On The Gp2x

    i thought about adding an internal RTC to the gp2x, but i couldn't find the I2C lines (since linux has the drivers for it, i thought it'd be easy to mount a battery, the RTC chip, and the crystal on a low mount PCB) if you wanted to try it, you can get free samples at
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    How Gamepark Screwed Up On The Gp2x

    things that'd be nice for the gp3x would be a 3d accelerator, main cpu with an FPU and MMU that *does not* require a hack (fixed in hardware) to work properly, d-pad designed for gaming or something at least lower profile, so i can carry it in my pocket, better firmware support or a full...
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    GP2X Wonderg33k Powers Activate!

    offhand, you could think about making the batteries as a separate removable entity (a la laptop) with the charger removed from the system (a la ancient camcorder batteries) that way you could slap another power card (or power brick if AAs, if you will) on if one goes dead in the middle of a game...