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  1. M

    What's Your Screen Resolution?

    1152x864 for normal usage. 1152x864 or 1280x1024 for gamage.
  2. M

    Praying Mantis

    hahaha man i want to get more... awhile ago i bought an egg sack and hundreds of them were born but they all escaped through the holes in the cage so we had hundreds of baby mantis running around... hmm spring time soon... i could get some more egg sacks... :P
  3. M

    Help With Halflife 2 Installation

    Not to burst your bubble but 1000GB would be 1TB or 1 terabite and 1024GB would be 1 terabyte but you can continue.
  4. M

    Firefox And Popups

    damn straight Opera. i get no pop ups, no spyware, no infected cookies (i have it set to delete them when i close opera). the only times i get spyware is when i use IE.
  5. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    yet you still manage to go to gp32x read the forums and threads write almost perfect english and spelling, no puntuation and capitalizing errors (a few). you don't sem to have very many problems.
  6. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    games don't scare me n i played half way through (i haven't beatin' it yet) doom3 without getting scared. So i doubt it would scare me till the 3rd day.
  7. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    Yeah he failed, that bastard it's all his fault. What kinda beer was it.
  8. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    Yes at the computer, And playing a game which would make most people sleep.
  9. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    Yeah i fell asleep around 8 playing a game C&C Renegade. I would have thought that it would keep me awake. Well i'm gonna try this again maybe in a week or too though.
  10. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    i found a place that basically wil descvribe night by night. i think it would be fun to try to get to night 6
  11. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    Good night. make sure you have a dreamcatcher so you don't get any nightmares and not beable to fall asleep again.
  12. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    must everything have a purpose, no.
  13. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    it's not up but i'll put it up now.
  14. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    so i've been awake for around 30 hours did any of you feel tired around this time cause i fell fine. :huh: also i told my dad and he doesn't want me to stay awake cause he doesn't want to deal with a crazy person. but what's he gonna do sing me a lullabay.
  15. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    ok i don't think i'll be able to keep the camera up as much as i would like to it's lagging my comp up reall bad but i'll put it up every once and awhile.
  16. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    yeah and people think i'm on drugs too.
  17. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    well i finally got the webcam to work the like is Here username: gp32x password: 1 also i may be going to the store later so i may not be on camera for awhile.
  18. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    OK well hold on because i found out hat when i was testing the website 3 people were viewing me. and i didn't give out the website yet so i found out that anyboy on the server site thing can access :blink: so i'm gonna find a better program that ain't so creepy.
  19. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    My goal is to beat 72 hours and if you guys don't think i'll do it i found a program for my webcam and i will give you the link. but only if you want me to give it to you.
  20. M

    Stay Awake For A Few Days Straight

    NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! in 36 mins from this post i will have been awake for roughly 24 hours.