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  1. C


    without being too snippy, it's not like america doesn't have its own rather massive social issues, but thats probably for another thread to discuss.
  2. C


    Irony? iignotus, you've summed it up perfectly. Its all about class snobbery and ignorance. @Sam either grow up and start expressing your views in a mature way or piss off :angry:
  3. C

    Tired Of 3d Polygonal Games...

    I'd add things like location based damage to this, especially in fps', the first game that I'm aware that did this well was Perfect Dark (I could be wrong though as my knowledge of PC gaming history is limited), and its been brought up to scratch with Resident Evil 4. However the point is...
  4. C

    That Godamned Riaa Is Winning

    which is of course easily downloaded-able from the limewire network
  5. C


    tbh I'm not sure where you see this thread going, other than the 'yeah, I agree chavs are twats' type responses. However, here are my thoughts: I doubt that chavs like 'rediculus combinations of cheap clothes' or badly modified cars, instead I would assume they haven't the money to afford...
  6. C

    cool. I'd forgot I joined audioscrobbler! Cheers for the reminder :)
  7. C

    Sega Saturn

    was it 'Seventh Guest'? I seem to remember that was quite good. Loaded, too
  8. C

    Slimline Ps2 Compatability Problems?

    GTA:SA works fine on my slimline, but its black not silver.
  9. C

    Tired Of 3d Polygonal Games...

    I'm sorry, but WHAT??!!? I'm in no way saying that just looking visually nice makes for a good game, but please don't dismiss visuals altogether. I don't think its as simple as old games = good new games = crap. I imagine theproblem is gthat more and more developers and publishers are RELYING...
  10. C


    no. my definition of hypocrite is someone whose every post in this thread contains an insult complaining that he's being insulted. and as for this, could you possibly be any more elitist? Hmmm...?
  11. C


    Good job doing nothing but insulting me. says the guy who jumped into this thread AFTER the problem had been solved to insult the original poster. Fucking hypocrite.
  12. C

    Pes 5 Japanese Covers?

    is that a joke? :unsure: if not its pro evolution soccer...
  13. C

    Ico And Shadow...

    could anyone clarify exactly WHY ico is so good? I've heard many good things about it and I am planning to use it in my dissertation, but I need to find out why its worth the time it would take to play the whole thing.
  14. C

    Tired Of 3d Polygonal Games...

    I have little knowledge of PC gaming so let me open up the discussion to consoles as well. And I thought I was the only one that was getting highly bored by the style over content mindset that modern publishers seem to be locked into. Without sounding like a huge fanboy, this is the primary...
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    LMFAO I found this quote particularly hilarious, especially in light of Bush's refusal to sign the kyoto protocol.
  16. C


    wow. What an entirely rude thread. This guy asks for help, recieves it in the first post and then the thread devolves into this, well done. I hope you feel proud of yourselves. but just to add fuel to the flames: virus, adware and firewalls are all playing a game of catch-up to the virus...
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    Bullyeye "180" Sound? Where To Get It??

    just out of curiosity, but why?
  18. C

    The End?

    agreed. However for a supposedly civilized and benevolent country which is only interested in peace (*snigger*), guantanamo bay is a fucking disgrace.
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    My School Is So Annoying

    uh. no. Thats not hacking. I guess you could broadly interpret what you did as social engineering *snigger* yeah, right.
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