Search results

  1. Yannick

    Pandora and PSGroove, the open source PS3 jailbreak

    All respect to notaz, but downloading a binary, intended to run in kernel space from *teh internetz* is not really considered wise. Isn't there a new ps3 firmware update already disabling this code?
  2. Yannick

    Boards are in Production (2010-09-08)

    after some more reading, i just understood this: Boards are on the way, at most 200 pandora's can be build using existing parts. After this, we are waiting on the new nubs and new cases. No confirmed estimations except *before okt 18* but good news, build quality should get another push up.
  3. Yannick

    Boards are in Production (2010-09-08)

    +1 Given all this info you can not say exactly when new pandoras will be build, so how about say exactly what you can not build? this i would like to hear: No new Pandora's will ship for at least X days, reasons stated above. what is X?
  4. Yannick

    RISC architecture is going to change everything

    Lol :lol: "RISC architecture is going to change everything" <= I knew i heard that somewhere before, how could i forget a young angelina
  5. Yannick

    Ram Extension?

    Here's some perspective: I still own and sometimes use an old Duron 900 machine with 128MB SDRam, 10yo 20GB 5400RPM HDD (slower then modern laptop harddisks) It's running Xubuntu 10.04 It boots up with 80MB in swap and 5MB free for buffers Surfing the web in FireFox puts 200-300 MB of...
  6. Yannick

    Duke Nukem Forever

    None of those alows you to give a whore 5$ and have her show her tits realistically enough We all know it's this sort of stuf they wanted for DNF they should have gone with GTA4 engine, Rockstar has some experience there Did anyone else feel like the DNF vehicle level lookes a whole lot...
  7. Yannick

    Best Sega Master System games

    this game looks fun, i'll definatly try that
  8. Yannick

    Let's Make Our Own FPS!

    I like Uwe Boll movies, especially Postal
  9. Yannick

    Help! Wi Fi dead

    Disclaimer: all this is based on my netbook, running Xubuntu (same desktop as pandora) Deleting the profile might help right click on the networkmanager icon in XFCE Edit connections Select the profile named after your router, delete it If this does not work, you can edit the settings...
  10. Yannick

    Pandora and PSGroove, the open source PS3 jailbreak

    yes, but you need a compatibility kit, don't worry it connects to USB and is available from sony
  11. Yannick

    Let's Make Our Own FPS!

    Best way to begin would probably be a mod for an existing FPS that runs on linux ioquake3 comes to mind as Quake models/maps are very popular in other game engines as well hmz, combined with bosbeetle's idea, play as craig or evildragon and go take revenge on the salespeople from the Chinese...
  12. Yannick

    Preformance/Usability questions

    Thats just a buffer underrun, try using some more buffer in deadbeef. the only thing the OC does is finishing the blocking task faster. doesn't do anything to *speed up* mp3 playback. webbrowsers are mofo conserning sharing pc resources (looking especially at you firefox) or use a faster SD...
  13. Yannick

    Duke Nukem Forever

    If there's one thing that i've been waiting for a long time, kind of puts the Pandora in perspective
  14. Yannick

    Qt 4.x as a game engine

    I am working towards an 8-degree of freedom RTS currently all the fixeditems have their own timer and verry small animations. a small random seed makes shure they don't all update at the same time you shouldn't notice the animation because 20 objects doing 4FPS could result in 80 dirty...
  15. Yannick

    wizzley presto and the vampires tomb

    In 2009 a rumor surfaced this game would be ported, pandorapress says craigix confirmed that Timetable: 2 Months EDIT for quote: Update: Those who have delved into the 30daygame site will know by now that Wizzley Presto is indeed bound for Pandora. Rumour no more!
  16. Yannick

    wizzley presto and the vampires tomb

    read this:
  17. Yannick

    Interesting Job opening at Valve Soft.

    Had an idea: It's possible they are still waiting for the year of the Linux desktop to finally arrive in 2041 With the multitude of Linux based mobile operating systems they could be going for that. Every 10yo game should run fine on the nextgen of phones with some polishing.
  18. Yannick

    Qt 4.x as a game engine

    Talking about this stuff motivates me to actually try to finish something for once. I seriously recommend not bothering with all those questions. Just write a couple of QTified classes, gather some artwork. When you actually hit a performance wall, we can all have some fun trying to fix it or...
  19. Yannick

    Man this board is a bummer....

    Just took a look at the member list sorted by postcount, I am being trailed by Craigix and EvilDragon (I feel good now B) )
  20. Yannick

    Interesting Job opening at Valve Soft.

    If they are actively denying it, it probably means *we're trying to make it work, but we will only confirm it once its actually working*