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  1. I8NY

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    I like the pandora and i don't want it to fail. 1:You can't let ppl start jumping the line. 2:Start selling the pandora for more (~$500) 3:Sell the extra/refurbish ones on ebay for people who don't want to wait in line any longer. 4:If you want to charge ($100) more on existing...
  2. I8NY

    More boards, more software (2011 - 01 - 24)

    I just want to know when they start shipping batch 2 so i can add a tv cable to the order before they ship it. I don't care about where i am in the order line up it won't make it come any faster.
  3. I8NY

    How well is bluetooth audio working?

    This isn't about audio but do bluetooth mice work?
  4. I8NY

    Shipping and order numbers

    Does anybody not know their order number and want to keep it that way? I like being optimistic on where I'm in the order list.
  5. I8NY

    Can you show yours?

    When ever I get mine, (batch 2) I will lose my social life and will only stop to eat and sleep.
  6. I8NY

    Pandora Phone??? OpenOffice?? AMSN??? YES!! :D

    I didn't know the Pandora had Ekiga, but that is sweet.
  7. I8NY

    Question on Rom Legality

    If you own the game then you should have the right to the rom from whatever source you obtain it in. That is how it should go and it reasonable but it usually isn't legal. Just don't get caught and we will never have to worry about it :P
  8. I8NY


    It does (and i have had lots of success doing it) but programs that do DRM don't like being run through 32 to 64 libraries.
  9. I8NY


    Well there goes my hope of netflix on 64bit ubuntu
  10. I8NY

    Possible HDMI for the Pandora!

    I think they concluded that there wasn't enough bandwidth through the Pandora usb slot to do vga, so HDMI doesn't seem like it would work either. Then again this will need a driver to run it.
  11. I8NY

    PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

    Makes my happy to hear that Pandora is finally in the home stretch of mass production. B)
  12. I8NY

    128gb SDXC Card?

    well the 64gb card is already supported from early test. (might have change by now) but i don't think i'll need 128gb on one SD card any time soon so i'm okay without a driver update.
  13. I8NY


    it is another 4 hours before it is new year for me... but happy new year any way :D
  14. I8NY

    MS-DOS game recommendation thread

    okay here is my game: jump'n'bump I would play this w/ my friends for a long time until the map was covered in bunny guts :D
  15. I8NY

    Let there be boards (2010 - 12 - 02)

    funny that they can't get enough RAM chips for the pandora now. RAM (PC stuff) is really cheap now but i guess they must be limiting supply to make prices go up again.
  16. I8NY

    Golden Pandora Alert!

    i like the blue... but i'll stick with my black one that i ordered. (i think i ordered black, idk now, lol)
  17. I8NY


    google voice will never work for the pandora unless google makes a ARM supported version of it.
  18. I8NY

    Nubs and a Schedule (2010-11-04)

    Even with all these delays the good thing is that all the big problems with hardware failure have been fixed. Now it is really just the factories that are holding up the Pandora project from making more Pandoras.
  19. I8NY


    Well the video of minecraft running on android convinced me that it can run on the Pandora, it just needs to be worked on.
  20. I8NY

    Fresh news from the board production (2010-10-20)

    Well about the companies not making the units on time there might be a to fix this. If you have 2 companies making boards/nubs/etc. they will compete to make the parts first before the other company to keep their business with you. It will speed things up but getting another company to make...