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  1. M

    What was the first game you ever played? Can you remember?

    either spot or spyro yotd on the ps1...
  2. M

    Pocketable or Comfortable

    What about a 3ds with a keyboard instead of the second screen
  3. M

    I vote we call the P2 'The Dragon' - The OpenPandora: Dragon!

    I believe that's called Stockholm syndrome...
  4. M

    SONY PlayStation 4 (PS4)

    Judge Judy has been on TV for as long as I can remember, I wonder long long has it really been... And who cares about xbone and pis4 when you can build your own htpc/gaming PC for ~$500...
  5. M

    glbasic snake game I was working on...

    i know it's not a big improvement but here is the modified game so far... working on menus, scoring and so forth... // --------------------------------- // // Project: snake-iprice // Start: Monday, May 27, 2013 // IDE Version: 10.202 // FREE-VERSION: // Need Premium for Features: // 3D...
  6. M

    glbasic snake game I was working on...

    thanks for the replies, gonna study the code you provided... ...I feel so ashamed of myself after compiling your code... I will just use your code as a base, my original code had it where you couldn't go the opposite direction, like left then right.
  7. M

    glbasic snake game I was working on...

    I save the coords of every movement to 2 arrays, then use those values to display the tail. somewhere along it crashes and glbasic complains about the array bounds... How would I draw as many segments as the snakeLength variable dictates without having a separate line for each segment in...
  8. M

    Make Pandora 2 compatible with Oculus Rift VR!

    or a chop a left and right version of google glass, tape them together and voila! note, you could sli the to chipsets or disable one and utilize the battery from the otherside!
  9. M

    I can almost, with 90% certainty saythat the p2 should use an amd apu!

    the a4-1200 and a4-1250 are bit bit different, from 225MHz gpu clock to 300MHz and ddr3 1066 to 1333MHz, it also seems to be a kabini sku so maybe it isnt as thermally limited as the a4-1200. Anand did note that it may not actually use more power...
  10. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    god that was long...
  11. M

    I can almost, with 90% certainty saythat the p2 should use an amd apu!

    i'm so dizzy...everyone releases their post at once.
  12. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    Its interesting the routes both companies took with the type of video content they support...Xbox will focus on high production content - probably for more Xbox live subs- while ps4 is target sharing gameplay a ala let's plays on YouTube and twitch. Although the latter can be left up to the game...
  13. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    I missed some of it...did they actually say that?
  14. M

    Reality Check - Would you really pre-order on a KS?

    The best potential future, the brightest timeline according to  abed.
  15. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    I know cod isn't a graphics benchmark on any system but it wasn't impressive at all. At best its cry engine 2 level.
  16. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    The wiiu suddenly seems so attractive...maybe I should,t have doubted Nintendo...Cruz that was just pure suckage, tv, features and yet another call of duty game...
  17. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    Call of duty is using tessellation... Maybe open subdiv
  18. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    Bored so far, and no live game demos...ps4 event was so much better. Omg live action halo...yawn.
  19. M

    Microsoft XBOX ONE

    are you guys ready for the reveal?
  20. M

    Augmented Reality Game for smartphones

    Who is to say that they won't collapse like the almighty netbook...a bit too early to call for tablets.