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  1. M

    Gpu940 Help Please! Fast windows setup for sdl using cygwin (devkit). I use linux myself, so can't help you more than to point.
  2. M

    Gpu940 Help Please!

    If you go to the gpu940 page, you can download the egoboo source, and that includes his makefile, and his setup, there are a few special calls for gpu940 (not really that hard, can copy paste from egoboo). Use the cvs link, not the svn, as it willl not download anything. PM me if you just want...
  3. M

    Sega Cd Compatability

    Also Kiero flighting squadron. Everything seems good. Ok game.
  4. M

    Anyone Got One Of These?

    I saw one of these in a store in toronto. $100. But all of the games on it were those cheap nes knockoffs, like on the vgmax game systems. There is no 3d racing game like in the picture. Also, there is no ability to load executables, so whatever it comes with is all (for programs that is).
  5. M

    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    Both shifts and joystick click to disable debugging onscreen info (top buttons on gp2x are shifts).
  6. M

    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    I think gpu940 (openGL on the second processor) is close enough to hardware acceleration for us to put a 3D gamepark on hold. I am amazed how nice egoboo looks. Any chance of adding the wizard starter, or the gocart mode? Thanks again.
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    Gp2x Multiplayer

    Whoa, Don Miguel, long time no see. Is FaMe Soft taking any interest in the new gp2x? Maybe a port of Super Plusha? mth411
  8. M

    50,000 Sales Mark For 06, What About 07?

    Why does everyone say we have no 3D support? We do have gpu940, and for being such alpha code it works awesome, just using the second core. Why don't people port a couple of games to it, or work on improving it, then we would have better 3d support, and it would be openGL. I would love to see...
  9. M

    Trying To Play Ddtod On Cps2emu_test_7

    In the romcnv folder, there is romcnv.exe, run that (it works with wine). Find the zip of the game. Afterwords, copy the gamename.cache from romcnv/cache to /cache, and you will be set. Also try other games, sometimes you might have a bad dump. It really is an amazing emulator, try pocket...
  10. M

    Is There A Mugen On The Gp2x Yet

    There is source for kof fighting game for gp32. Basically a simpler but great mugen like clone. Someone could always port that. KOF91, Ported by thor to gp32. Linux version at with screenshots. Basically as good as kof94...
  11. M

    Cps2emu Test Version 6 And Capex Beta 2 Released

    Steve Max, the romcnv app works great on vanilla wine. Just make sure to run it from the command line (don't run it from the file manager). wine romcnv.exe
  12. M

    Replacement Cap.

    I have used all 4 caps. The MK1 cap (the nub). Not good at all. The DaveC cap. Very good, hard plastic though. The GP2x worded cap, not good, very slick, uses the gp2x for only real friction. The current cap (the nipple), very good, rubberized, my personal favorite. The last two are available...
  13. M

    Rick Dangerous Port

    I just hope you upload the source, since the last one didn't. That way it can be improved upon (definately mapping a jump key).
  14. M

    Cps2emu Test Version 4

    Wow, much faster. Just beat the first DND game. Almost all games I tried are playable. Progear, Puzzle Loop 2 (J) DND
  15. M

    Layer Isue With Game I Love

    You tried the transhack option on the options menu, right?
  16. M

    Has Anyone Tired

    He's saying he has an ext connector with the svideo out. I don't know if it has enough pins, but otherwise, yeah. you need at least 3 pins extra, 4 preferably. Also depends on what you want to attach, like if you need to mod a power supply or just use the gp2x power supply.
  17. M

    Drill2x V0.05

    Thank you soo much. I love mr. driller, but the graphics on the original version were just too ugly to be addictive.
  18. M

    Windows Xp Trouble Installing Device

    There is a crazy app on the site "usb monitor" that I ran, then attached my gp2x, and it suddenly worked, go try that. Should be under utilities.
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    Very Disapointing Linux Support

    Er, don't blame the linux support. Works great here on a AMD64 version of Ubuntu 6.10 (edgy eft). Even if the cable worked with something else, try using a different usb cable, the usb cables were cheaply made (or just not well made). I have to use the cable from my digital camera. Also, if...
  20. M

    Blingo Released.

    My wife already loves this game. Looks like I am waiting a couple of days to play payback :) Thanks again (next time enter a gaming competition so you can win some money).