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  1. J

    Playing Video From Shared Folders

    I tried streaming from a samba share, apart from the video stopping every second to buffer it played properly - so, once the wifi speed is improved streaming from samba shares should be no problem :)
  2. J

    Release Hotfix 4 Final Released!

    The FIR filter thing is really nice, you can disable the blurry scaling in GINGE etc. and use nearest neighbour. All you have to do is run: sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ none :)
  3. J

    Beta Hotfix 4 Beta 4 (Pre-Final)

    Broken link. Correct link: Thanks, edited ED's post with correct link. - Gruso
  4. J

    Double Clicking Title Bars

    That explains why whenever it's happened to me lately, it has only disappeared for a second then reappeared. I was annoyed by that before because it kept happening when I used ctrl+click to drag, so I just stayed away from ctrl+click completely and right clicked on the panel icon->Move instead...
  5. J

    Beta Updated Wifi Driver

    For anyone still having problems with wifi there are 2 tweaks worth trying: "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off" and "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 22M auto" (run in terminal) One of those might improve your wifi, the former is likely to at least improve the speed.
  6. J

    Multiplayer Pandora Action

    There is Okai (Open Kaillera) but the website seems to be down (domain no longer exists). There's probably source code floating around somewhere. edit: It's on sourceforge: The P2P version of Kaillera is also there (much faster than the normal one, doesn't...
  7. J

    Playing Video From Shared Folders

    Some people have had more wifi success than others, I imagine if the wifi works well, so will streaming. Streaming any SD content (unless it's H.264) should be no problem as long as the wifi works properly. There are people whose wifi work reliably with the Pandora, they would be able to do some...
  8. J

    Pandora Pnd Cookbook

    Nice guide, this'll be useful next time I PND up something :)
  9. J

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    Notaz's OSS plugin and the PPSP input plugin from the old PND worked fine with the version built from your source, but I managed to break something when I installed all the required packages for building Mupen64Plus on the Pandora, so even the old PND just crashed when I ran games. I reinstalled...
  10. J

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    I compiled the new version of Mupen64Plus but gles2n64 just caused SIGSEGV errors on all the games when I tried to run them, I probably did something wrong - but it's not easy to know what, everything compiled fine. I even compiled the newest version of gles2n64 but still got the same error. I...
  11. J

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    +1, I want to play Super Smash Bros.
  12. J

    Beta Hotfix 4 Beta 3 Released!

    If anyone's interested in the overvolting I made a modified version of for use with the OPP limiter that will automatically change cpu_opp_max within configurable mhz ranges and effectively lets you override the mhz ranges built in the kernel, you can find it here...
  13. J

    Wiimote Driver On Pandora?

    Well - the Wiimote works on Android devices already, it's the cheapest way to get proper gaming controls on an Android phone if you already have a Wii :P The Wiimote being one of the few bluetooth game controllers that exist, it would be great to use it on the Pandora since it wouldn't require a...
  14. J

    Usb Issues

    Have you tried running dmesg and sudo lsusb? The output of those commands might make it easier for others to help you find out why your USB won't work. You could run them like this after plugging in the USB stick (in a terminal) and post the contents of the dmesg.out and lsusb.out files...
  15. J

    [SOLVED] Aargh! My Sdhc Card Died In My Panda!

    I've had corrupted cards not show up in windows with one card reader, but show up fine with another and let me reformat it, after which it works with the other card reader again - give that a shot :) You really can't permanently break a SD card just by removing it at the wrong time. Edit: You...
  16. J

    Best Cross-Platform Lib?

    SDL runs on pretty much everything, including PSP, DS, Wii, GP2X, Wiz, Pandora, iPhone, Android, PC, Linux and Mac - pretty much any device you'd care about, and then some - so if you're aiming for supporting as many platforms as possible, that's the way to go.
  17. J

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    It's almost the same, the characters are different in the DS version and they added a few extra features. I never cared much for the adventure mode, actually I used a cheat to unlock all the tracks then just played them in the tracks mode :) Splitscreen multiplayer would probably run equally...
  18. J

    Led Suggestions

    I agree. Though I'd prefer if the charging LED lit up properly when you plugged in the charger with a low battery level. Otherwise I don't know if it's actually charging or not. Fading the power LED in powersave mode would be an improvement over half brightness as well, which is hard to...
  19. J

    0 Ad Rts Game Open Source

    I would love to see 0 A.D. on the Pandora, it's definitely the nicest looking open source RTS I've seen. The hardware requirements might be a bit steep - but one way or another it can run well on the Pandora, even if it means it won't look as nice as the PC version.
  20. J

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    With, I don't play without sound :P I like Diddy Kong Racing better though, and that won't even run, it crashes the emulator as soon as I try to run it.