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    A Strange Question?

    Im shocked afte seeing the op 's birth year! :blink:
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    A Strange Question?

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    Reccomendme 2 Player Ds Download Play Games

    but there will only be 2 ds's, looking for games that would be good for only 2 players.
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    Reccomendme 2 Player Ds Download Play Games

    Right i now have in posession 2 DS's Looking for some fun 2 player games that support download play only one DS hosting a cart. I have Tetris, Mario Kart, and New Super MArio Bros.. Was thinkinking of metroid hunters but not sure if that would be as fun if only 2 of you playing.. same goes...
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    "no Sir ... I Don't Like It" (ds Lite)

    Just got mine delieverd from Australia this morning.. quite impressed only took 5 working days to get to the UK :D After having a quick play, all i can say is damn its lush.. build quality feels really good, and find it way more comfortable to use than the original DS... Lovely Vibrant screen...
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    Anyone Tried The Vista Public Beta?

    If only you were given the raw OS and then build it up using the components of your choice. But never going to happen while MS want to bloat it up and shove there own products at us ..
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    Smoking Guy

    Ash Trey
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    Anyone Tried The Vista Public Beta?

    Was thinking about it and then saw how stupidly bloated it was...heh 1 gig o memory needded and 128 meg direct 9.0 compatible graphics card :P (how much disk space doe it need! (even though i have 1/2 a tetra :P)) and decide i just couldn't be arsed :P ill wait for someone to hack it into a...
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    Come On England!!

    Good game enjoyed it :)
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    What Do You Think About The Ps3 Controller?

    :rolleyes: it almost the same as the ps2 one... what planet are you leaving on?
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    Nintendo Ds Supercard/pass Me

    i don't get any probs with those games.. mind you i only use branded Kingmax Hi speed SD cards and Sandisk Ultra II ones.
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    Ds Lite Money

    and porn
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    Ds Lite Money

    Make some deposits at your local Sperm bank
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    Wii Pricing Announced

    actually its likely to cost 150 quid according to
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    First Games

    heh trooper cool ...made me go and look up my first hand held (in fact probably the first gaming thing i ever owned Monster Bruger :D I Remeber really wanting a nintendo game and watch when i was wii but can't remeber why i bought that at the time.. must have been the superior graphic power...
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    First Games

    Don't i was left mentaly scarred after typing in 4 pages of code as child only to find it didn't run, due to inumerous typos and i had no idea you were actually supposed to save what you had done and it didn't stay in the computer once you had finished.
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    Iriver G10 Shows It's Pretty Face Again!

    Whats wrong with mini sd? At least they come with convertors so use them in other devices.
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    My Sppppuuuuurrsssss........

    Tottenham hotspurs football club, english premiership side.. they suck anyway so you probably won't have heard of them :P
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    First Games

    A pong based console looked a bit like this when i was wee toddler