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  1. DoubleDash

    Release Hotfix 5 released!

    ED Are the SDL libaries included with HF5 the same as before? I am managing to compile my SDL app except for a reference to <SDL_image>, font and mixer aren't generating any errors, only SDL image. Any other additions/changes to the development libaries included by default?
  2. DoubleDash

    Bbc Micro Emulator

  3. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    That'll be the one, thanks mash :) Much easier now to home in on the required ipk. Interestingly it repeats entries, perhaps they are for different architectures?
  4. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    Redirecting the package list to a file proved to be useful ('sudo opkg list >anyfilename'). Using a text editor and browsing through <anyfilename>, searching for 'gcc' I found the line: gcc - 4.3.3-r23.1.6 - The GNU cc and gcc C compilers....... It looks like the first name up to the...
  5. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    Umm 'sudo opkg search *gcc*' returned nothing. As did 'sudo opkg list *gcc*'.
  6. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    Hi torpor. 1) Ok. 2) Did the first time I opkg'ed toolchain, only had to force one package. Also did update this time. The update is taking a while so I'm now wondering if I then did it in two stages and the repo changed in between! I've redirected the download errors into a file and so can...
  7. DoubleDash

    NUB alternative

    For me I like the hard plastic, for that it's durable. However, it's not perfect as I have dry finger tips! Hence an earlier post (NUBs / Sticky Fingers). :)
  8. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    Hi Neko I'm building Torpors Toolchain links into a batch job with some other stuff for easy rebuilding of my dev environment from SD card. The gcc part failed to download. sudo bash opkg update opkg install gcc_4.3.3 gcc-symlinks gcc-doc make_3.81 make-dev binutils-dev vim_7.2...
  9. DoubleDash

    Angstrom Repository

    Just want to download the 'gcc_4.3.3' package but this does not download, probably because the available downloads have been renamed? The available packages listed are: gcc 4.3.3-r23.1.6 for armv5te (Ångström 2010.x glibc armv5te base feed) gcc 4.3.3-r23.1.6 for armv7a (Ångström 2010.x glibc...
  10. DoubleDash

    man pages

    @mash Thanks, I like the ipk download method. This way I can add it to the development toolchain ipk's I have, so when a new OS build comes along I can quicky batch rebuild the SD card dev environment, even without internet access. It is also much quicker, and more certain to work.
  11. DoubleDash

    SD Card Boot Process Questions

    Last night I downloaded the latest rootfs from (pandora-rootfs.tar.bz2). The first time I extracted it out overwriting the last rootfs extract, bad idea I think! I say this because some files left over must have caused the login process from the previous...
  12. DoubleDash

    man pages

    Just an idea....not even sure if it is possible. How about a pnd application which replaced entirely the functionality/information provided by 'man'?
  13. DoubleDash

    man pages

    Yeahh, me too, hence my question about the compression libraries...I wonder if man pages were actually built using some sort of compression in mind, although I doubt it?
  14. DoubleDash

    First impressions of my Pandy... mixed feelings...

    First off. Big of you to apologise Dirk, welcome to the community :) I followed the project for three years before getting my pandy, and deliberately lowered my expectations to account for many of the points mentioned above. Thunar irked me for a while until I figured out there was an issue...
  15. DoubleDash

    man pages

    Thanks WizardStan, informative as always. Hopefully if I can get this working I can have a man on my SD card :)
  16. DoubleDash

    man pages

    I like man pages :) ....being a linux nube et al :) Of course because of the space they occupy not having them in the nand was necessary. Just wondering if it is possible to get them installed somehow into an OS booting from SD card, or are they closely integrated into the kernel? I did...
  17. DoubleDash

    Battery Maxes Out 82%

    Yeahh I absolutely agree. Every time I think about the pandora the word versatile springs to mind, it just covers so many bases :)
  18. DoubleDash

    Bbc Micro Emulator

    It will happen eventually. Hopefully the port does not present too many issues. I think your old teacher would spontaneously combust if she saw your avatar :)
  19. DoubleDash


    Good call. Thanks StarG.
  20. DoubleDash

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    Yes, it certainly would be. But given the differing and complex nature of drivers, and available expertise for changing and testing, it's not likely to happen any time soon. Would love to be proven wrong :)