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  1. DoubleDash

    What weren't you expecting?

    I am surprised at: 1. The quality of the music. 2. How self-contained it can be for development, especially when downloading reference websites and doing a little prep in advance. Being able to package up a pnd and tweak a compile on the train feels great! 3. How my willingness to explore...
  2. DoubleDash


    I love PanPlayer, works fine for me. My vids are encoded using the same format that I use for my nokia 5800, about 630x360. What resolution are you encoding to?
  3. DoubleDash

    I hope that this is the last time I ask this.....

    I was 850-950 in Craig's queue and received mine on 2nd Feb (ordered 30th Sept 2008 9:30pm), if that helps you to judge :) Remember the figure quoted on the status page includes 25% which go to ED. You can probably deduct another 100-200 for returns which happened before some of the suppliers...
  4. DoubleDash

    Nubs feel weird?

    Have you tried MWeston's suggestion?
  5. DoubleDash

    My Pandora experience....

    It certainly can. I had this problem with my left nub. It felt like it was damaged, but after pressing the case down around the nub it feels/works perfect :)
  6. DoubleDash

    Pokitfoxx's Questions

    1. I seem to remember having a problem when inserting a space into a pnd filename, with a fairly recent build. Maybe this is now fixed.
  7. DoubleDash


    I guess you could always test it with a soft delete and a further check to see what ends up in the recycle bin? Thinking about it though, it must do. With a boot from nand there is no other memory available for storing stuff. I'm sure the recycle bin is of limited size though.
  8. DoubleDash

    1 week of pandora - several problems

    Interesting, I might give this a whirl too as I sometimes experience an obstruction with the left nub, as if something is physically preventing it from moving freely. Thanks Ed.
  9. DoubleDash

    Is the XFCE menu trolling anyone else?

    Me too. Also experienced slowness/unresponsiveness and menu not going away, both on sd card boot and nand. I'll keep an eye on it too see if sd card is worse than nand. I don't tend to boot much from nand anymore though as I'm always geeking around installing/trying stuff!
  10. DoubleDash

    Release Scott Adams text adventures

    .....a work of magic, no less, thanks mhaws :) They don't make adventure games like this anymore :( PS If anyone wants to rename the pnd filename to something more recognisable, remember not to include a space in the filename!
  11. DoubleDash

    Fresh Blank SD card slot 2

    All of the above. ....starting to wonder what you did to him last April Fools :)
  12. DoubleDash

    Unable To Install Gcc And Friends Since Hf5

    Hi mindlord You are not alone! I had a perfectly working "bollocks" setup on my sd card. Along comes HF5 + reinstall of Torpor's toolchain, and bang, I could no longer boot from the sd card! However, I have fixed it and now have a working development environment on SD with HF5. Before I get to...
  13. DoubleDash

    Moving my Apps to a faster SD card

    ^ Good point Mr_Loon, any path references which might be stored in appdata may differ, if your new card has a different name.
  14. DoubleDash

    Moving my Apps to a faster SD card

    As meandu229 says, the settings for the application are probably in the appdata folder, unless the app is writing some stuff to nand. Some/most apps might use a script to export the home directory to avoid writing to nand. If you can find another app which stores settings you can check how...
  15. DoubleDash

    Release Maze Of Galious And Roadfigher Remake Port

    Thanks for your hard work Dimacus. I'll give these a try later.
  16. DoubleDash

    Release Lightweight 2

    Thanks for your work on this mcobit. Getting the right browser for the pandora is something of a mission at the moment. It's early days though, so until it's just right I'll try yet another one! :)
  17. DoubleDash

    Pandora Packaging a game into a PND

    Thanks mcobit, a really useful tutorial. I'm still tweaking my dev setup atm but when I'm done I intend to post a newbie guide to what I did. I might PM you for comment before I do, if you don't mind? I've got a game I wrote at quite a leisurely pace whilst waiting for the pandora to move...
  18. DoubleDash

    Busted Sd Card 2 Slot On Pandora #3...

    I also had this problem with slot #2. I managed to pull the card out. Not had a problem since though, and the spring action worked again immediately after I got the card out and re-inserted it :) Not sure why the spring action would stop and then work again ...filed under strange but...
  19. DoubleDash

    Late to the party

    Welcome to the forums Sugarfix. Similar age myself, also started out with ZX80, and had Spectrum, Atari 520ST, BBC, PS2. There wasn't even a computer science course at our school in those days, we had to start one! I waited over three years before my pandora arrived, from first finding out...
  20. DoubleDash

    Release Hotfix 5 released!

    All I can add, for what it's worth, is that I flashed HF5 and so far have had no issues with Thunar (icon not detail mode which has issues) or PNDs not starting. I did give some thought to using the PND update but in the end plumbed for the flash. It does make you wonder what possible...