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  1. O

    A Question About Battery Removal..

    I too have huge rechargables. My others ones are very loose becuse the otherones bave bent the metal contacts. I use the batter cover from my gp32. As the GP2x one seems crap and fragile like it would break where as the GP32 battery cover feels like a solid rock.
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    Its Midnight...

    heh, the thing I miss about my old host is not their devious business practices but their detailed server reports. Except that the server claimed to have about 12 times more ram than it did. Turned out that my desktop PC is more advanced than my old server.... Not my new one though!
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    Its Midnight...

    The ram upgrade went as planned. Was off for a mere few seconds. It was then that my hosting company recieved a large denial of service attack. It also was implied by the fact that they specifically knew vobbos domain was down and that they temp moved it to another server that his url was one of...
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    Its Midnight...

    It went down over an hour ago for about a minute for some reason. its back now though. Wait its gone again and then back for a second. Seems like its either a server error or upgrade however I am currently contacting my hosting provider to sort it out. Ok, my host have been aware of it since...
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    Its Midnight...

    I was just about to put .94 on my SD and now this :D Me so happy. However. Must not play GP2x. Must strive to revise 81 more pages of Maths by monday.... This doesnt look good. The domain seems to be dead. Its probably that damn Ram upgrade to the server. In which case it should be back very...
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    Warranty Will Do What?

    If you are in England then you can inform them of some lovely British trading standards laws that should help them change your mind.
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    2nd Cpu, Utilised Much In Emulators?

    To me that means. WOOOB WOOOB WOOOB WOOOB. *Falls back onto a cushion made out of Fenix*
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    2nd Cpu, Utilised Much In Emulators?

    'For outstanding Citizenship and Persiveriance in the eyes of the law'
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    Hu6280 V0.94 Alpha Released!

    Oh yeah! You can't use zips.
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    Blaze Up!

    Peace and GPL for all, Man!
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    Hu6280 V0.94 Alpha Released!

    Change the overclocking to '233'.
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    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    However annoying of a post I am. My posts will always be better than anything daclassicgamingmaster can throw out.
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    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    Hey, I can be sane. Occasionally. I will try to just be nice and normal from now on. He he. That makes me think of GP32x as San Andreas for some reason...
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    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    Where'd yo uget guru from? We are over that now. Why did telco quite though?
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    Blaze Up!

    Don't ofrget te bad ones I have started! The Blu Saga....
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    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    I can't, its banned. Till my exams start when ill be F*ing off for a while anyway.
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    Hu6280 Alpha 0.9 Released!

    I wrote down about 4 lines of the Xmen 3 plot. Maybe less but it really pissed rico off. Then I told him to calm down after he banned one account.
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    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    How is that relevant?
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    Hu6280 Alpha 0.9 Released!

    Sort of yeah. I just made this one so I could talk to Telco who ignored me. Edit: I told Rico to calm down. Also I spoiled Xmen for rico. Resulting in two bans.
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    New User .. A Couple Of Quickies

    Is there a piece of glass/plastic or what ever over the LCD itself? if so then this is the screen protector.