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  1. F

    How Did You Hear About The Gpx2?

    I found out by gp2x by this site which i found after i baught my gp32, i found the gp32 on ebay looking for a neogeo pocket. Somwone wanted to swap their neogeo pocket for a gp and it intrieged me from there..
  2. F

    Emulated Or Not, What Games Do You Want?

    dont care about sound... Settlers UFO (x-com) Heroes of might and magic. (why not... lol =P ) Theres so many games off the amiga and pc that id love to many to list anyway.
  3. F

    University Where Are You Going

    never actually watched an episode of holloyoaks, thaught it was in chester.
  4. F

    Psx Emu

    i think the chequerd mask is easily the best and if you hadnt seen the proper transparency you probably wouldnt even think it was wrong.
  5. F

    Psx Emu

    id take amiga over psx any day of the week, and i think its actually more plausable too. well just have to wait and see. I cant get one till xmas anyway so ill get a chance to see how things are progressing.
  6. F

    Why Machines Like The Gp32 & Gp2x Are Imporant

    That was my point i love arcades, i like to "waste my money" playing what are really out of date games that i could play at home for free, there is just something specail about it. Playing an old school fighter with your mates is great. Kids are to fat and lazy to leave the house now though...
  7. F

    Why Machines Like The Gp32 & Gp2x Are Imporant

    it could be as simple as the "old games" were often arcade conversions or used in arcades (pacman is a great example of this). They were made purposfully hard so you would die and have to put more money in, they didnt charge you 30£ for a lifetime they charged you 1£ per life and you could...
  8. F

    University Where Are You Going

    mathmatics at university Chester. Youll see me and my gp on Hollyoaks, (well if i was better looking you might)
  9. F

    Off To Korea, Gpx2 Awaits!

    i like this idea, i dont know anything bout coding but if everyone can cut out the menu creation on htere emu project its bound to reduce time..
  10. F

    Retro Dreams

    if were talking dreams.... UFO enemy unknown. (x-com) settlers good fast dosbox for dune 2 etc And a million and 1 other cool games that id love to play on the move.
  11. F

    Been Away For 2 Weeks

    I got my A-level results too Got into my first choice so im well chuffed :D And got abserlutly wrecked and woke up today , must have been a good night.
  12. F

    Gpx2 Naming Contest Finished...

    Ill be dissapointed with whatever name they give it now (unless they pick mine and i get one free :D ) But i think like others have said in the past that once a products community (we the GP32 owners will make a good chunk of it) know it as a certain name it seems crazy to change it. Think...
  13. F

    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    song called Talkings heads, by People in Planes. saw it on 120 minutes on mtv2 great program if youre into alternative-alternative music
  14. F

    What's More Attractive To You? Gpx2 Or Xgp?

    ill vote once we actually know what theyll be like, cos as of now its psp becuase we dont have clue whats gonna run on Xgp and gpx2
  15. F

    Gpx2 Amiga Emu Chances??

    amiga was/is 1000x better then BBC, And the reson im not really interested in gpx2 if it doesnt emu amiga is because without amiga it doesnt offer enough extra, to me anything Megadrive or earlier (Snes being just ok) is good enough on GP32 and im not paying 150 quid for a bit faster snes. Ill...
  16. F

    Gpx2 Amiga Emu Chances??

    yeh me 2 Probably get a psp otherwise (however much i dont really want to) thanks for the replys guys
  17. F

    Gpx2 Amiga Emu Chances??

    just wondering if the devs, believe amiga is a good possibility on gpx2. its very important in influencing my decision of buying one. If i can play settlers, SWOS, Syndicate (proper version not SNES etc) and all my other old classic 500/1200 games i would snap up a gpx2 in a second.
  18. F

    Rename The Gpx2!

    penis is dick in english!
  19. F

    Rename The Gpx2!

    i delved into a bit of korean mythology on the old google, stuck an ancient name on there , Gp-Tangun supposedly tangun was koreas first emporer and dynasty.
  20. F

    Xgp Homepage Open

    why would we need a holy grail? weve already got one!