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  1. F

    One Handed Gaming

    good on you for giving your time donating plasma.
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    Quake2x Wiimote

    i think this is pretty cool, but my main concern is what is with all the ED Wood avartars, cool film, think the best one ive seen is a guybrush one looked awsome.
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    Should I Get An Amiga?

    get a cd32, I have 2 of em they rock, well they dont but they really should/could have, a 1200 will give you hours of pleasure from all the classics.
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    Gp2x, Bob & Toshiba 360 Perephrial For Quake...

    its obviously a piss-take and if it isnt its just stupid, i mean look at it
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    think he means swedish because hes from sweden. WanX is a cool name especially if its by accident.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    yeh that should be great, i think ppl wholl want to play it will no it well enough for half the bottom bar to be enough, lookin forward to next release!! thanks
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    i got ingame on settlers just couldnt see the bottom bit but it was working ok. thanks
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    sounds great, i was actually playing x-com yesterday, slowly but it was slow on the 500, so amazing, also hiding the status bar will make a couple more of my fave games playable (settlers, space crusade...) so really lookin forwardto this. Keep it up!
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    Let's All Follow The Mob

    behead those who say to behead those who have beheaded a headless horsman!!! or whatever those loons are cracking on about.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    dont have a clue what that means but hey, thaks squidge for the code and thanks critical for your continued work, this emu is getting better alll the time. thanks
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    yeh i agree with whitefalcon the menus are alot faster but ingame theres isnt a noticable increase in speed.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    testing now... thanks for the quick updates, its great!
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    my ufo goes weid when in the batlle mode, my men dont start in the ship and some are invisable, mabye its my roms ill have to find more... Oh and Alien Breed works if you set throttle to 0 good news for alot of ppl.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    this is fantastic critiical, ill have to try the games that i couldnt use cos of mouse and see how far i get.. thanks
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    if it worked now then it will work when we have mouse support cos im sure it will be added eventually. Im a huge UFO fan thats all and thought i may aswell give it a look.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    Added another 10 games or so to wiki, bit dissapointed the UFO and Space crusade both arnt working atm but still chuffed that some games do.
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    tryed anothe few games x-com ufo included ill add em to wiki soon X-com didnt work it stopped loading right away ill try it again before i decide it doesnt work then
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    added afew games to the wiki, gotta test more now =)
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    I think it was the one where you chop off heads but im not sure myself now, cos it didnt start
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    k thanks ill do that now...