Search results

  1. andyB911

    Samsung 16Gb Class 6 Sdhc Card Uk

    Thanks for the heads up - I got one too :lol: Not sure I need the speed, but seemed such a bargain that shouldn't and couldn't be resisted. Now when will the prices of 32gb cards come down to a 'reasonable' level I wonder..? In much the same way that I don't need the speed of a class 10...
  2. andyB911

    Is There A Problem?

    Won't that just create more demand that can't be met? As of today the problem is very simple - lack of units. Unfortunately until that is resolved, any publicity will make things worse rather than better.
  3. andyB911

    Is There A Problem?

    On the lack of posts... its like satellite tv. Too many channels spreads the viewers too thinly. With the additional forum, plus even on this one the split to general, help, emulation etc there isnt the volume of posters in any one location. It doesn't help that production has been...
  4. andyB911

    Gog - Good Old Games - Dead! :(

    You've got to admit though as a 'crazy stunt' its garnered the attention and publicity they were after (and probably need to survive). I've never looked at them before - now I probably will...
  5. andyB911

    What make's your pandora so wonderful

    To give just two examples... Firstly, one of my favourite games of all times is Virtua Racing - which works brilliantly. Secondly I was reading a Retro Gamer magazine article about 'Bill and Teds' GB game. Have never tried emulation of the GB, so in a couple of mins downloaded via wifi an...
  6. andyB911 - Pandora Tested Usb Accessories

    Whilst I'd have loved to have won, pleased it actually went to someone who hasn't already received theirs yet. Must have been one of the best competitions I've ever entered - in that in effect free to enter, relatively high value prize and very reasonable odds. Anyway - hope the site continues...
  7. andyB911

    Ok So, How Many Pandoras Are Shipped To Customers?

    Eddited to say Ninja'd by WizardStan above... :D --- The only slight problem with your maths is that assumes there is a 1 to 1 ratio of orders to machines. But we know a number of people ordered mutiple. But I can't believe that accounts for more than say 50 in total, and even that sounds...
  8. andyB911 - Pandora Tested Usb Accessories

    Hi Pleng, Does it charge the DSi or not? I ask, as your text and the website are contradictory. PS The thing that would get you a lot of business (and I know its far from trivial and not USB) would be a tv out cable... :ph34r:
  9. andyB911

    So now that we have a better understanding of what's going on...

    Take it easy there guys. This is the official forum. No negativity allowed here :lol: On topic, as has already been said, a small company dealing with larger suppliers in different countries clearly gets shafted. Its a bit chicken and egg, as how do you grow to placing the larger orders...
  10. andyB911

    Have You Encountered Any Defects On Your Pandora So Far?

    I voted no defects - I have the bezel issue everyone does, but otherwise, fingers crossed all is well. Clearly this is a waste of space of a post, but just to show that as a new unit (received a couple of days ago) the quality control seems to be improving.
  11. andyB911

    Got Your Pandora? Tell Us Your Order Date!

    Just got my email!!! Fingers crossed for it arriving before the long bank holiday weekend. Time to get excited :lol: PS Order time was around 15:45 I think. Certainly before 16:00.
  12. andyB911

    I'm Not Going To Get My Pandora Before School Starts, Am I?

    Worry ye not. You will still have the tv cable to wait for. :rolleyes: And as one of presumably the last 350-450 yet to get mine so hopeful for this next batch. I also try to cheer myself up that the qc improvement is worth the extra wait.
  13. andyB911

    I'd Support OP With A Pandora T-Shirt

    In the same way as buying the Wizzley app, would be happy to get one to help out. But if I get the shirt before the console, I will never hear the end of it from the better half :D
  14. andyB911

    Waiting Like A Good Little Boy, But Still Depressed

    I'm in for the long haul but it isn't getting any easier. Given there were going to be 200 going out a couple of weeks ago and 100 last week but didn't hear of anyone receiving them.... Not sure why oct should be considered a date any more likely to be hit than any of the others. I'd still...
  15. andyB911

    Have You Encountered Any Defects On Your Pandora So Far?

    As a result of the failure rate (5% would work out around 30 units, which sounds optimistic from this survey despite response bias, with at least two people on their 3rd unit), I wonder what proportion of the latest 100 additional units will go to 'new' users vs 'returns' users? So far have...
  16. andyB911

    Still Waiting For Nubs And Boards?

    With the extra 200 we will be around 800. These extra 200 are indeed somewhat delayed. But if you remember that Pandora time is a bit like the reverse of dog years (2 weeks in Pandora time is a couple of months in human time). So take all ETAs with a pinch or two of salt.
  17. andyB911

    Omg I've Lost My Pandora!

    Booth-babe is presumably not what I think it is....
  18. andyB911

    I Feel Down

    To the op.... Its worth remembering that its still brand new and there are only around 600 in the wild. And haven't been any new ones for a while. And you are basing your thoughts on others' opinions and videos. So its a bit like seeing a video of a baby (albeit one with one hell of a long...
  19. andyB911

    Wizzley Presto And The Mysterious Time Machine

    Congratulations! Either you didn't sleep last night or you are really good at these types of games. Now just don't mention it on the game specific forum and nobody will be the wiser that the game's already been completed, well apart from us lot :lol: Correct :rolleyes: We could do with...
  20. andyB911

    Got My Email!

    There are still some in the 250-350 band without, so I wouldn't go holding your breath. Looks like they are up to about 2:45 UCT / 3:45 GBT and that is around the time the server was struggling with load so probably quite a few int the next '15 mins'. Would love to hear some news on the next...