Search results

  1. S

    GP32 A plan to get the GP32 popular......

    I post on b3ta from time to time. I'll let you guess what name I use :)
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    GP32 Your skills and details please

    6502 (since 1992, aged 11 :) ), Z80-ish (as used in the GameBoy Colour), ARM Assembler (Since 1995), some x86, Pascal, C/C++. no real commercial games experience (just sound on a couple of less-than-impressive arc games) - 1 years commercial c++ dev under windows/DirectX/MFC (useful for tools...
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    GP32 Gp32 demoscene..

    funnily enough I like demos enough - but alas I'm a coder without a coding job. by night I'm a barmonkey and by day I code/procrastinate due to the heat :) I've been toying with doing some commercial GP32 coding on the theory that although there's not so many machines out there there's still a...
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    I need everyone's trust

    haha - nice one. All the hallmrks of good joke - a pissed off reaction and several people sat around feeling foolish afterwards :) But I have a seirous question in all of this: Just suppose that WAS real. If I download a native game then it's warez. If I download an image of a NES cartridge...
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    Cool Demos?!

    i dunno... shame really because there's some damn good ARM demo coders out there (Icebird - i'm looking in your direction <_< ) maybe once I've gotten back into the swing of ARM coding once again i'll produce something - but I get the urge to produce vaguely useful things these days, such as...
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    what systems do you own?

    i was thinking 'have i missed something that I already own from the list?' but I'm not done with buying consoles yet - not by a longshot. My current problem is where to keep putting the damn things...
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    What was the first mp3s you put on your smc?

    Ignite, The Ataris, System of a down and AFI
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    what systems do you own?

    Sega: Mastersystem 2 Megadrive Dreamcast Atari: VCS (6-switch version) Jaguar Lynx Nintendo: NES SNES Gameboy Colour and of course the GP32 and more computers than are strictly necessary (commodore VIC 20,16,+4,64,PET 4016 - Spectrun 16k, 48k - MSX - BBC Master 512,Master compact, Acorn...
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    SAP - Atari Music Player

    I'm tempted to give this a go if nobody else is/has done it already (seems a waste of time duplicating effort) anyone?