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  1. M

    Mock Of Menu System

    Mmh? you could make some nice eyecandy on top of this, but I think 'keep it simple' wins in the long-term (i.e. max. one day :P ) Lots of wasted space (could be used to display battery power, SD card space, time/date, internet connectivity status... though) And, remember this thing has a...
  2. M

    Using Mobile internet

    Erm... now you wait for Pandora to turn up at your front door :P -- Try connecting to 3G using your desktop/laptop running linux.
  3. M

    Hopefully dumb question about defective units.

    IMHO Pandora hardly could die emitting blue smoke [ how d'you want to burn down something with such a low power draw? ], except if the battery itself burnt down... Could die another way though, of course.
  4. M

    Open Source and PowerVR

    Framebuffer driver is completely open source. I've heard that OpenGL ES -enabled driver will be open source kernel module + binary blob. [ like many Xorg OpenGL drivers... ]
  5. M

    Ubuntu On Pandora

    C'mon. Who'd want to recompile ubuntu when there's an ARM port of debian. :P
  6. M

    Openembedded Recipes

    Machine conf should be easy: take beagleboard conf file, change "big screen" to "small screen", tell it about touchscreen and a few other features...
  7. M

    What Linux Distributions Is The Pandora

    *checks out PWM* By the way, noticed the new blog post - by the looks of it, Ubuntu does run... Debian should work quite easily. Gentoo seems to run on ARM too, might be a nice idea. I'll try it out on my laptop first though. OpenEmbedded might be a nice way to get something suited to all your...
  8. M

    Ships With Linux (how?)

    Good flash chips last longer than hard disks now... ...especially if you smash both on the floor every second day like I do. QUOTE At the moment i think i'll just leave that 256 meg free, or do what the folks on here recommend. Think i'll have an SD for OS+Apps and another for Emulators+Roms...
  9. M

    Write Code On The Pandora

    The final keyboard isn't the one on the renders, though; that was just a mock-up.
  10. M

    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    Pages I saw seemed to suggest 2 DMIPS/MHz for celeron M, but then didn't find anything very clear. Sdedalus, that would mean 4 DMIPS/MHz ?
  11. M

    Pandora Keyboard Layout

    I guess we'll know about the keyboard before the 30th :D EDIT: erm, of course, I meant 'before 23:59 on the 30th'
  12. M

    Mockup: Extension Bar

    Camera extension? Um... I was planning to buy some good USB webcam, and use it to take pictures of the image from a Zeiss Biotar 2.8/80 (and other interesting lenses) on some 6x6cm ground glass. :P tazg's addon system looks good. For my personal needs, it would be: 1. First addon with USB hub...
  13. M

    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    Erm... correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd guess that RAM excepted, Pandora is more powerful than similarly priced netbooks. (low-end eeePCs and such)
  14. M

    Pandora Web Coverage

    Erm... ready to repeatedly press 'refresh' button... :P
  15. M

    Cas In Pandora?

    TiEmu? :P
  16. M

    Ancient thread I made a long time ago

    Don't you see? He wants IE7, WMP... and Windows! :P ------------- I kinda' prefer bash aesthetics.
  17. M

    Note Recorder

    I guess it could *not* be put into a firmware update - Pandora is supposed to be as open as possible, right?
  18. M

    What's The First Thing You'll Do With Your Pandora?

    1. Charge battery 2. Compile some openembedded image (with LXDE?), add build tools (gcc, make & such), nano, links2, gphoto2, gimp , some wireless connection tools, some flickr upload app, a simplistic blogger client... [ fast "take picture - edit it - blog it" system :P ], add many other useful...
  19. M

    15th Preorder Confirmed?

    ...can't wait to *cough* part with my money *cough* open Pandora's box.