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  1. M

    Next Big Deadline (january 15th)

    What if it had the smell of a Zenit camera? *That* would be something special., actually, nevermind. :rolleyes: ---------------------------------- I'm not really sure about those keys. I like those on my Psion 3a - rubber mat, but the keys are concave. Not enough tactile feedback to...
  2. M

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    OK, January 16th is February 16th second name today... :D Or will I get it as a birthday present, exactly one year late?
  3. M

    Draft Page Brainstorming

    I'm usually not really into gaming but you've got some nice things there... BTW, does anybody here know Questionable Content (webcomic)? Pintsize might be a nice character for some game :D ...
  4. M

    Image Viewing On The Pandora

    Btw, displaying a scaled-up version of the image's thumbnail version (if present) while loading the full image in the background, and not forcing people to wait for the full image before they can decide to move on to the next one would be REALLY cool. I really hate it when I have to search...
  5. M

    Any Chance To Try Angstrom?

    I've got a working OpenEmbedded snapshot, I guess I could build an Angstrom image and upload it somewhere sometime this week.
  6. M

    Different Flavor On Pandora?

    Debian and/or Angstrom. Probably Debian... I use Angstrom on my file and print server, but when I need to add an app, compiling on my PC, transferring to server, and then finally installing takes quite a lot of time.
  7. M

    Things That You Want To See Running...

    GIMP TiEmu (well, yeah, quite useful for university, when I don't want to have one device in each pocket) A web browser displaying youtube, a webmail, and some few other pages in different tabs. A video player. And, erm... compiling linux kernel on pandora!
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    Dec Update

  9. M

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    Forgot to tell about my second guess: May 35th! (of course!)
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    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    July 2008. Mh? Why not? Oh very well then... January 16th, 2009.
  11. M

    Kernel Interface

    /proc/pandora/cpu_mhz_max What about some control through standard cpufreq interface? /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ :)
  12. M

    Pandora Possible Alt. Browser For Pandora?

    When doing some heavy compiling (i.e. linux kernel and openembedded at the same time), I can't even move the mouse in X11, but I can still browse with links2 in framebuffer mode. Tiny, fast browser, supports javascript (partially?). Quite nice actually, though it won't work for many sites...
  13. M

    I Need A Gadget To Tide Me Over Till The Pandora!

    Actually a Jornada 720 is form-factor-wise more suited to my needs than Pandora. Alas, I guess I can't use it to edit photos over 1024x768... ---------------- I found something quite cool today: Zipit Z2. For $50, you get: 312MHz ARM processor, 32MB RAM, some small flash memory, MiniSD slot...
  14. M

    Pandora Cold

    Actually, serial thermometers (or even audio-in thermometers :P ) are easier to build :P
  15. M

    Pandora delayed

    I wonder where you dropped off that last one percent? -_-
  16. M

    I Need A Gadget To Tide Me Over Till The Pandora!

    I'm starting to consider getting a nice small low-power single board computer (or a PDA with a broken screen :D ) with WiFi connectivity, some memory, and RS232. Then just use my Psion 3a as a serial terminal for it. Hm, maybe if my father could send me my broken Acer n30... A good ol' Psion 5...
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    I guess an easier way to try out performance would be running qemu on a 500MHz x86 box, might give an idea of performance of Pandora at 900MHz...
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    The Big List Of Official Dev Team Updates

    Wasn't this topic pinned before the forums crashed last month?
  19. M

    Asus To Create The "first" Community Based Computer

    I think he meant that in Vista there were a few stolen ideas from Mac OS X. :P
  20. M

    Keyboard Noise Question

    I would've preferred a true keyboard, but after one week using a Psion Series 3a, I don't really care that much anymore...