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  1. G

    Ps1 On The Gp32? What Could Come Of This?

    Just because something is deemed impossible, even by the general community, doesn't mean it IS impossible. If had no people who take risks like this, and try to push things beyond their limit, then we would be sorely lacking in progress.
  2. G

    Rlyeh's Unannounced New Emu + Public Fmame Soon

    rlyeh already has a Zodiac and hasn't left the scene, why would the DS be so different? Anyway, seems interesting.
  3. G

    Ps1 On The Gp32? What Could Come Of This?

    From our front page... Well...! Who'd have thought it! There's news from PDAi of a possible (and I say POSSIBLE - we all remember the Amiga emu!), Playstation emulator for the GP32. LDChen from that forum has posted that he has completed a very early alpha of a PSX emu for our beloved little...
  4. G

    Stupid School

    Someone posted a site that converts plain email address ( to % hex so stupid email web-crawlers won't get it. Wonder if that'll work?
  5. G

    Fgb32 New Compiled...

    ???? DMouse hasn't compiled OpenSNES9xGp to my knowledge...
  6. G

    Why Nobody Try To Do A Snes Emu Like Loopy From..

    Although OpenSNES9xGp is a port, it does already make use of quite a bit of ASM (native code).
  7. G

    Fgb32 New Compiled...

    Getting it compiled means that he can add stuff to it, too.
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    Protecting Your Windows Computer

    It's probably just random background noise. It's more important when an application tries to access the internet then when it tries to access your computer.
  9. G

    Game Lifes

    Blinking a red "LAST LIFE!" would be very cool and innovative, in my opinion (along with a numerical count, of course).
  10. G

    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Haribo?

    What the hell is it with you guys and Maryland's cookies? I don't even like cookies, personally.
  11. G

    Emule/edonkey Network...

    Try using NetLimiter to limit the upload and see what happens. Also check your CPU usage. I have eMule set to 2KB/s upload because I don't actually download a lot with it :D eMule + NetLimiter = fast download with tiny upload ;)
  12. G

    How Many Times Do You Check Into Gp32x A Day?

    Usually 3-9 times, since I like to mod around. And occasionally I post news before EvilDragon can get to it.
  13. G

    Protecting Your Windows Computer

    Routers can only protect against incoming packets, as it can't tell where the outgoing packets are coming from (IE, which application). Some applications may use port 80 for bad stuff, while most use it for good stuff. That's why you should still use a rule-based software firewall on your...
  14. G

    286/386sx Emulator

    x86 emulator is possible, but porting DOS is a different story :D One is a processor, the other is an operating system ;)
  15. G

    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Haribo?

    More like midnight. And only in residental (low-traffic) neighborhoods that approve it - but it's true! Of course, they switch the traffic lights to flash yellow - they don't just turn them off ;)
  16. G


    No official announcement or rumor, just a hunch based on past experiences. RPGs aren't one of the best-selling genres, and Xbox games are usually pretty Windows-portable.
  17. G

    !reader With Rtf

    Right-clicking within a frame and going to "View Source" in IE gives me the source of that frame, so I'm sure FireFox has similiar capabilities.
  18. G

    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Haribo?

    Yeah right. Don't forget I have the power to ban you ;)
  19. G

    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Haribo?

    I meant the fad, not the actual product ;) Or maybe I'm just too young/old.
  20. G

    GP32 Im An Idiot

    Don't use those particular batch files unless you want to experiment :D They have no way of checking if a file has already been compiled.