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  1. G

    Post The Worst Joke You Know...

    Merged into "Funny Links and Jokes" -
  2. G

    Asking For Some Help

    There are plenty of review sites out there, this one included, and as such, we really can't play favorites. Since this site has a review section, I think we have plenty of right to flog toxibunny for saying "give up and just use my review site".
  3. G

    1.99 V Mod

    Yeah, both of his posts here are mostly PC+1s ;)
  4. G

    Opened My Christmas Present Early...

    Like I said in my edit, I can easily ignore the bar created when overclocking at either 33MHz or higher then 166MHz in many're just all purists here and make it sound like a huge deal, making people needlessly worry. If the bar was in the middle of the screen, then it might be a big...
  5. G

    Opened My Christmas Present Early...

    It's a tiny bar. You can ignore it, don't worry. I really don't know what the fuss is about, I can easily ignore the bar created in all GP32s when overclocking.
  6. G

    Can I Use A Smc Reader/writer To Format A Smc Card

    Just format using the card reader and create the directories as shown above. If that doesn't work, then use the "SMC Recovery" option - all known firmwares have this (or have another firmware embedded which have this). This has always worked in the past for me after formatting via a card reader.
  7. G

    Laptop Q's

    Eh, I don't trust Toshibas, especially since all the ones I know can't handle 640x480 resolution. HP is offering a laptop for $999 plus shipping with a big LCD.
  8. G

    Super Metroid Opensnes9xgp Wont Run

    Try it on a PC emulator. Super Metroid has always worked fine for me. Try it unzipped. Try it zipped if it's already unzipped.
  9. G

    Mods... Noticed All The Fauly Gp Threads Lately??

    Yeah, I noticed the trend early on, but didn't do anything since the multiple posts were made by multiple people. It allows people to see it is indeed a big issue. But it was about time to let it calm down, thanks Rico.
  10. G

    Laptop Q's

    Camp and wait for a sale. Get a Pentium-M. If you ever want to run games on it, you'll need to spend around $200 more for one with on-chip video memory. If you don't mind it being total crap, look at Toshibas and Compaqs.
  11. G

    Calling Jr2swiss!!

    bast525 you're making waaay too many topics in the same day. This one, for example, should have been kept to PMs and is now off-topic. Closed.
  12. G

    Nomad Inspired

    Problem with "video out" for GP32 - it can only output a maximum of 320x240, while a TV naturally receives aprox. 640x480 (NSTC analog). In other words, it's possible, but it'll look like crap ;)
  13. G

    Ps2 - Ultimate Accessory

    It comes with games and doesn't mention them being in boxes. I wouldn't believe him if he said he gives the boxes away too. It was illegal.
  14. G

    GP32 Clock Versus Tick Count .. Again ;)

    Just to note on the first question, the tick count at 44MHz is close (if not at) 1 tick per millisecond. Just take the ratio of <current-clock-speed> / 44 when calculating what a "millisecond" truly is. And if you don't like Mirko's SDK for some reason, you can pull a similiar function out of...
  15. G

    Turn Based Tactics Games On Gp32?

    I had a friend who was addicted to Military Madness on the PCEngine.
  16. G

    God Medicine 100%

    Yep, that's correct. Final Fantasy 1 for the Famicom. It was later translated for the Nintendo.
  17. G

    GP32 Correct Use Of Cpu_setspeed

    Mirko does set a "standard frequency" at 44MHz. It's in his version of gpstart.c. If you don't set the clock, then it will use the frequency from the BIOS - usually 66MHz, except for Pacrom which is 33MHz. You don't have to worry about setting the clock speed repeatedly. Some programs even make...
  18. G

    GP32 Speed Of 16bit Colour Mode

    You can find some other blitting code in my partial IGM release here: With the help of Kuwanger, I was able to get about GP32SDK speeds for blitting, with a nice porting layer. The non-transparent blitting is faster then the SDK, blitting two...
  19. G

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    No more flame war in General Talk - take it outside. In response to an earlier post, on these boards, it goes Devs > Me > God > Other Mods > GP32x Regulars > New Guys > Dirt > Stuff On The Bottom Of My Shoe > Trolls / Flamers. All outlined in the rules. If I had seen the post, the guy would...
  20. G

    GP32 C++ Compiling

    DevkitAdvance is an old GCC toolchain. Use devkitarm -