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  1. M

    Sd Cards

    nerdy ubuntu ftw /nerdy seriously, i use both on my laptop (vista and ubuntu) and both are good for what I use them for. linux, i use for everyday things like web browsing and things like that and windows i use for office. and microsoft student. two high-quality pieces of software written by...
  2. M


    ^ unfortunately, yes...because most consumers wouldn't know the difference. beside the point though.
  3. M

    1 Or 2 Usb Ports?

    that's disappointing...oh well...i guess i'll have to make do with that usb thing if i want on the go power. there are worse things in life.
  4. M

    I Gots A Question...

    For windows I have a 160 gig drive that i've used 70 gigs of. On my linux drive, a 120 gig drive, i've used 30 gigs. I plan to fill up at least a 16 gig flash drive.
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    Video In Trough Usb?

    if we can get software written for pandora, then it should work.
  6. M

    June News

    so i take it the problem with the Pandora Curve ™ has been at least partially remedied?
  7. M

    Screen Size

    @tag everyone who has an ipod has to do it, it's not that much of a hassle. but i agree that it is unrealistic and I am happy with the current model. The sooner, the better.
  8. M

    Visualiser On The Mp3 Player For Pandora?

    ^ I lol'd. And Karel, you need to cut down on your dosage of the Office. It's corrupting your mind.
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    I Gots A Question...

    It's not the apps. It's the roms, movies, iso's, music, what have you, that take up the large amounts of space. I'll probably buy a 16 gig sd card and i'll probably fill it up, or at least close to.
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    Video Playback

    hmm i guess i haven't. next time i'm streaming or playing some video, i'll give mplayer a try. just never got around to trying it.
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    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    if n64 comes out well, I will probably die of happiness.
  12. M

    Shoulder Buttons?

    RTFF (read the FARKING forums) :) Mod to lock this topic pls?
  13. M

    Pandora Fan Gear

    ^ too forum-centric...not something other people would get. I like the pandora logo design, i'd buy a black short-sleeved shirt with one of those on it.
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    Screen Size

    the thing is, some people would be willing to sacrifice speakers for a bigger screen like that. seriously. with the amount of space available to them, how good quality are the Pandora's speakers going to be anyway?
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    I Gots A Question...

    ^ moore's law in action
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    Pandora Lite?

    This is the part that everyone is laughing at. do you wear your father's pants? when you wear your fathers pants and put a nes, a genesis, and a n64 in those pants, what other funny things can you do? seriously, don't take offense, but you should try to get a better grasp of the language before...
  17. M

    Popular Question On Compressed Game Formats

    sweet! gotta start ripping my discs.
  18. M

    1 Or 2 Usb Ports?

    no i meant one that supplied power out not through usb but through the 115v US standard power plug
  19. M

    Will The Pandora's Screen Be Compatible With Lightguns?

    it wouldn't be that different from using a touch screen, as long as your light gun wasn't freaking ginormous.