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  1. M

    Pandora As A Business Venture

    QUOTE But even putting potential legal calamities aside, it is still rude to ask. Would you not consider it rude if I asked you how much money you make? How much do you spend on rent? What is your monthly food budget? Don't you think it's irresponsible to spend so much on beer? Why don't you put...
  2. M

    Analog Joystick

    i believe the old one rotated too.
  3. M

    Pandora Live!

    wow...gravedig much?
  4. M

    Mr. N00b Is Here Again For More Questions

    1: One Million Dollars! but seriously, nobody has any idea but them. 2: goto 1; 3: goto 1; 4: It's running linux, and there are a multitude of encryption programs. If none of them are compatible, I'm sure a dev will write one. 5: I think so... 6: Only if you don't want to save anything to it...
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    Captain Impatient

    ...? huh? on topic, i'd put myself in the better not sooner crowd. I've been eagerly anticipating this for almost a year now (I lurked for a while) and if i've waited that long, i can wait another month or two for it to be perfect. craig & co, more power to ya! make it great! :P
  6. M

    Song Bird Port Anyone?

    I like songbird a lot, but amarok is my one true love as far as media players go. however, if songbird were ported, i'd definitely use it.
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    Any Snes Fans In The House?

    haha ^ if you want to see images, rt click, view image, truncate image url to site url and get cookie, hit back and refresh.
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    with our current system of classification, classifying pandora is impossible. it has a little bit of a lot of things, without being dedicated only to one. pandora is kind of a jack-of-all-trades. trying to classify it like this is futile.
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    The Big List Of Official Dev Team Updates

    add new video(s) from snes emulator thread pls :)
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    Any Snes Fans In The House?

    i forgot i had super metroid on the vc too. didn't buy it tho...
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    Novel Uses For Your Pando

    aw comon go a little easier on him... but yeah. dude? don't create a thread with the specific intention of getting it into the "lol" files.
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    Have You Saved Up Yet?

    my birthday is at the end of july. actually... sssevennnn daysssssss... i'm going to ask my parents for no presents until preorders start.
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    The Big List Of Official Dev Team Updates

    yea congrats. keep up the good work!
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    Demoscene Compo? A Good Way Of Showing The Hardware Potential

    That would be a nice idea, but it was brought up once before and the conclusion was that we needed someone to set it up and fund it. however, now with that new developer's fund, it is looking like a greater possibility. we'd need craigix&co to set it up though.
  15. M

    Pandora's User Interface

    come on guys. xfce. lightweight, easy to use, it's awesome. that or a custom wm is the way to go.
  16. M

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    wow... i'm definitely going to start talking like that (pfft)
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    Pandora Packaging

    why would it matter? i mean seriously, if it is in a more difficult to open package, just use scissors or something. The last thing craigix and co should be worrying about is this. sorry, not to bash your idea or anything, but there are more important things than the packaging to focus on.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    *sigh* didn't this thread die a few months ago? can a mod put this thread out of its misery already?