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  1. M No More?

    You mean just now? Look at the thread "It's Here".
  2. M

    Release It's Here!

    We'll give you a baseball bat and an enclosed space, Craig. Have at it! Edit: Just zoomed in. Daaaaaaaaaamn that thing looks good. Also, probably should try to get someone to host it on the unofficial blog so MWeston's photobucket doesn't get raped.
  3. M

    Release It's Here!

    DAMN YOU FOR POSTING AN AMBIGUOUS TITLE! I thought for a moment...
  4. M

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    Somehow my second prediction got lost somewhere. I'm taking a year from my original. Jan 10 2010.
  5. M

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    I move that "never" votes be put on december 22 2012.
  6. M

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    I'll take a year from my original guess. 10th January, 2010. Jesus Christ, a year.
  7. M

    Demo At Mug In Michigan

    DOO IT! Or you could just come into NYC and do a demo there. That would be fine.
  8. M

    Engadget Covers The Pandora Again

    Any press is good press. Getting the word out about the console is the most important thing. To quote P.T. Barnum, "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they get my name right."
  9. M

    Twiterix : The Photos Have Been Taken

    Because the purpose of this case is not to show us, but to make sure that the molds are ready for mass production. It's just a bonus that we get to see it at all. Would you rather have had them not show us anything at all?
  10. M

    I'm Sick And Tired Of All These Delays!

    TBH I'll kind of miss the developments and updates too, in a happy sort of way. It's been quite the experience waiting until now. In a month and a bit it will be 2 years since I joined this forum and started keeping track of the Pandora. It's been exciting along the road, a bit frustrating, but...
  11. M

    Mobile Phone Apps

    This has been talked about before. I believe the consensus was that it was possible, as mobile broadband will work on the Pandora, but it may be more trouble than it's worth. Mobile broadband doesn't have the coverage that regular cell phones do. In terms of texts, you could get a Google Voice...
  12. M

    Wallpapers And Other Graphics Wanted!

    Lol'd. The doom one is my favorite for now, but copyrighted so :/ I'm also a fan of the beauty-get one, but the bottom is gonna get cut off. Ah well. These pics just make me wish I had my pandora in my hands more.
  13. M

    C.e. Testing Done!

    Those bastards! I'm organizing a rescue effort. Who's with me?!
  14. M

    Did You Get This Newsletter?!

    I propose that the money saved from shipping be used to buy Craig/OP a lifetime supply of drinks. They deserve it.
  15. M

    How Much Was Raised For The Dev Fund?

    oh jesus dude, now it's never gonna happen.
  16. M

    New Unofficial Blog Feature: Live Chat

    Question: Do I have to have ident running to go on pandora chat? It keeps dumping me out because I don't have ident (auth). And ident has just seemed to be such a hassle to me.
  17. M

    New Unofficial Blog Feature: Live Chat

    I'm liking as well. Although, for the lulz, would be epic. If slightly childish. And for some reason, the chat isn't working for me right now. EDIT: On the site it says chat is over capacity, but I went to the site (which was really slow by...
  18. M

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    i'm no quitter. I've got all the time in the world... :D
  19. M

    Question On Estimated Ship Date

    I'm still hopeful for a june release...i'm away all of july so it would be a bummer if it didn't get to me then... And in other news: I'm fearful...will the pandora be immune to swine flu?
  20. M

    Noticed Something On Blog

    haha sry didn't notice the gender of the port. and it was a blue plug so i just assumed...