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  1. M

    My Pandora Review

    You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he...
  2. M

    What Is This Game?

    ahh I just lost.
  3. M

    Look Who Flew The Nest!

    Guys if we enhance the picture enough, we'll be able to see who killed him for his pandora! Craig?!
  4. M

    We Have One Person To Thank

    sigged. Also, awesome video. :D
  5. M

    We Have Cases Folks

    I'm working soo hard to keep the cynicism up now. When craig posts a video tomorrow (twitter says he will anyway) I'll probably lose it. Exciting times!
  6. M

    New Video From Ed: Nubs

    Ouch. I failed pretty hard there. Completely didn't notice that other one. :(
  7. M

    New Video From Ed: Nubs

    Woo hoo!
  8. M

    Pretty In Pink!

    Nah, 0x000000 all the way. And also, this poll seems to imply that gay dudes aren't happy with their sexuality.
  9. M

    Pandora Cube

    Oh jesus. Ridiculous necropost is ridiculous. Can we get a mod to close?
  10. M

    Seems It Is Coming Soon, But If You're Not In The Top 1000...when?

    Agh! I'm between 450 and 550! Oh the suspense...
  11. M

    Collabrative Unboxing Video

    Well I was planning on doing a whole video review, with the unboxing at the beginning, so I could pull the clip off of that for this. Wow, I should probably start planning that vid... That's exciting.
  12. M

    Pandora Live Or Pandora Steam

    There was a project to implement something like this a while ago, no updates on it recently. TINXL Same kind of deal here as Pandora Live or something.
  13. M

    (To Craig/ed) You're All Going To Hate Me For Doing This

    Shoot an email to They're the people to talk to about getting a Pandora.
  14. M

    Official Blog Post - Out Of Nowhere

    I can't either. I'm pinging it now and it's dropping packets. Maybe overload from those pics. Which I haven't seen yet. *jealous* Oh and downforeveryoneorjustme says it's down too.
  15. M

    My Mp Pandora

  16. M

    My Mp Pandora

    *buys plane ticket to uk* I'M ON MY WAY CRAIG! Edit: NINJA'D AGAIN!
  17. M

    My Mp Pandora

    craig i'm gonna cry! use it while it's plugged in? :D
  18. M

    The Green Light?

    Well hey there! That's a new picture! Guess they're gonna be shipped out soon based on the text of the image. And if the boards and assorted other parts fit in those cases without a problem, shouldn't that indicate that everything is good to go?
  19. M

    Release It's Here!

    Depends what kind of clock you're using. Not everybody uses 12-hour clocks, you know. Try harder. :P Edit: NINJA'D!
  20. M

    Release It's Here!

    My vote says hold off until tomorrow when MWeston makes a final case decision. If it's "tweak more" you can say "look it's almost done here are some pics". If it's "Go ahead" you can go absolutely nuts.