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  1. K

    Guess What? A Port Of Gpsp (gba) To The Gp2x...

    Hey! that's mean xD You should give us a preview at least ;-)
  2. K

    Vg Pocket Caplet

    it looks like a cheap plastic toy <_<
  3. K

    Gmu V0.3.1 Released

    great! I have to try this out!
  4. K

    Guess What? A Port Of Gpsp (gba) To The Gp2x...

    Yes and it would bring a wrath of nintendo upon our community...oh well, screw them xD
  5. K

    Gph Latest Announcement

    more like change of address or someone lost his job :/
  6. K


    pika pika? it's great pika-chuuuuu!! *3 days to anime convention mood*
  7. K

    Elsewhere know that not all people are code gurus like you, don't you? xD
  8. K

    Payback Playable Demo Released

    and there's no rock music in there T_____T xD there's a polish language version in there!! WEEEEE...ops...I forgot that I hate polish translations xD
  9. K

    Buying A Gp2x

    If you want to get gp2x and you are in Europe, don't think twice. Just log on and buy there. I got mine there with NO problems
  10. K

    Firmeware 2.1.0 Ready!

    honestly...the mp3 player works slower, maybe due to ID3tag reading. The only real good update I can see is pause/resume in movies bug fixed
  11. K

    Firmeware 2.1.0 Ready!

    for those who don't understand a thing, try this: maybe you'll understand something
  12. K

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    PLEASE host the files on T___T I'm trying to register on DCEmu and I don't get my activation email...just when I got Tactics ogre T___T shit f**k kill me for my stupidity and blindness
  13. K

    Can't Find Good Snes Emulator

    It's not they don't know how. The second core doesn't have it's own MMU, which stands for Memory Management Unit. Every processor needs to comunicate with memory, because there is where data is stored. That's why if the second core doesn't have it's own MMU, it has to use the first core's MMU...
  14. K

    Looking For A New Mp3 Player.

    Don't make me laugh. It's one of the most overpriced, shittyfeatured players I've ever seen. Hook yourself with good headphones (Sehnheiser) and some iaudio player.
  15. K

    Emulators Speed Up Hack

    strange thing....I get like 10fps slowdown in Squidgesnes but I can actually overclock to 266 while without these extra options I can only go to 255 (I have gp2x mk1 not FE)
  16. K

    How Does My Gp2x Pwn The Psp?

    ehm....what exactly did you mean by that post? One more thing...tell me why do gp2x have to pawn psp or oposite? Is it that hard to understand that each of these devices has it's own pros & cons and above all it's made for different type of user? Damn you people who make topics such as this one >>
  17. K

    One More Dpad On A Gp : The Nes Cross!

    I have an idea about center button...why don't you cut a hole in d-pad and glue it in?
  18. K

    Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

    I can't wait when I'll be able to play FF Tactics on gp2x ^^ Unfortunately Tactics ogre for snes aren't translated, so no isometric strategy for me :( just a one stupid question. How much speed could be gained by static recompiling? I don't know about others but for me it's quite bearable to...
  19. K

    Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

    rotfl. Another reason not to belive people from Sony xD And about GTE, do you know some website, I can read about functions supported by GTE so I could know what needs to be redone? If we call one GTE math function a micro-function then is it a problem of converting micro-functions from...
  20. K

    Gp2xpectrum 1.3b2

    how about "Certified DeV" title?