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  1. Rikku2000


    WoW nice work notaz :) i like it.
  2. Rikku2000

    Gph Quake

    Thanks to Pickle for ZQuake so GPH Quake will change from nanoGL to GLES at next time pickle say ZQuake dont crash so i change all to GLES stuff on GPH Quake i thing it will have the same reason if not GPH Quake will change to ZQuake and i will begin start mod ZQuake with all features that GPH...
  3. Rikku2000

    Beta Quake 1 (Zquake With Gles)

    Yep nice work pickle GPH Quake will change from nanoGL to GLES too.
  4. Rikku2000

    Gpfce For Caanoo

    why need set audio freq higher then 44100Hz? an nes is a 8Bit 22050Hz is enought i thing.
  5. Rikku2000

    Gpfce For Caanoo

    @RupeeClock for me all work fine i dont have any problems on the GPFCE. @traylorpark yeah thats looks very cool :) i use it now on my GPFCE too.
  6. Rikku2000

    Gpfce Not Loading Sram Saves

    Hmm dont know whats ahppend for me Zelda saves fine and Final Fantasy too.
  7. Rikku2000

    Onscripter On Digux... Help!

    You have an Korean PC System i thing so maybe you Take on font from your Font Directory On WinSucks: "C:\Windows\Font" Or go here: rename the font on your A320 to default.ttf so i thing that will work.
  8. Rikku2000

    Onscripter On Digux... Help!

    Its right it will display Japanese its depend on Game if it use Korean Font it will show all in Korean But most games are Japanese/English
  9. Rikku2000

    Onscripter For Gph Caanoo

    OnScripter for GPH Caanoo I port the OnScripter, an for Visual novel interpreter engine for GPH Caanoo. Keys:Up - Joy Up Left - Joy Left Down - Joy Down Right - Joy Right L - O R - S Y - Escape A - Right CTRL X - Space B - Return Home - Quit HELP1 - 0 HELP2 - A...
  10. Rikku2000

    Gph Quake

    Add Alpha-channel for Half-Life Maps
  11. Rikku2000

    Gph Quake

    Hey guys i add a new Option to Quake now its posible to change Quake textures by your self if you dont like the Quake Conback you can replace by your self only need a .tga or .pcx file Here an test Image for Quake: Maps Textures can replace too.
  12. Rikku2000

    Saturn Emulator

    maybe not Sega Saturn but i know there is an Jaguar Emulator for SDL
  13. Rikku2000

    No Emulators For Almost A Month Now.

    So dont worry about the Caanoo here are some Coder for Caanoo :P
  14. Rikku2000

    No Emulators For Almost A Month Now.

    i have both WIZ and Caanoo but i programming and port more for CAANOO
  15. Rikku2000

    Caanoo / WIZ Caanoo Framebuffer Question

    thanks but quake dont want build the raw...
  16. Rikku2000

    Caanoo / WIZ Caanoo Framebuffer Question

    Hmm i try now too ad it into quake1 but the result is 0. code is: system("cat /dev/db0 >output.raw"); and when i use it over an gpe file my output raw have 0 KB
  17. Rikku2000

    Gl Tests

    Yeah X/Y is Joystick Up, Left, Down, Right and L/R is for Zoom, but the zoom is a bit to fast hehe. the code is easy to understand i thing but cannoo opengles missing some voids and with nanogl its dont work so i will write my own lib for caanoo based on nanogl.
  18. Rikku2000

    2 Player Adhoc Settings

    yeah you can play with this code together Server.gpu give you host and all clients use the client.gpu like an adhoc server but when your caanoo crash all client lost conection but i dont must tell you that hehe, i thing you know that.
  19. Rikku2000

    Gl Tests

    Here i write some small code for useing OpenGLES. "gl_test" is a blank GL Init and "gl_earth" is an Earth Spear that can controle by Joystick and L/R Download: GL Source gl_earth binary
  20. Rikku2000

    Firmware 1.6.0 Released

    Yes, YOU CAN...